Friday, March 17, 2006

The color Green

Happy St. Patty's Day...
I always think of Larry on this day (not that I don't think of him everyday, just that it seems he fills my every thought today)....For some reason this was his favorite holiday...He would wake up with this big smile on his face, twinkle in his eye and you would just know he was in a mischevious mood....I remember the first year we were together I woke up and he was wearing the green lamp shade on his head...nothing else just the lamp shade...Oh we had sooo much fun that morning...

Lar found out when he was a teenager that he was adopted and his real father's last name was Donahue...a big Irish guy his mother had met when she was young...He never found out what happened to his real father...but he seem to think that this gave him a special in on St. Patrick's Day....

I would make Corned Beef/Cabbage & corn bread. He had a favorite green shirt that he wore forever, until it became a rag...he was like that... Good memories!!!

Life is sooo differant for me now...I got up this morning and was all dressed before I remembered I needed to wear green today...I have absolutely NOTHING green in my closet...Oh I have alot of blues, blacks & PINKS but no I went to my drawers looking for a t'shirt...again same thing NO GREEN...I finally remembered that I had a workout shirt that I don't wear alot and it's a lime Green...luckily this is casual day so I'm wearing it...
I will go to the gym tonight and play racquetball then go home for me but not too exciting...I've always thought it would be fun to go to Savannah GA for the BIG party they have there but not this year...maybe some time in the future...

1 comment:

Suzann said...

Hi - my Tom loved St. Patrick's Day too - a Murray through and through. Our memories are so precious - I hope you had a lovely day in your lime green shirt. Hugs. S.