Wednesday, January 11, 2006


One thing journaling has made me realize is that I am eating WAY to often and if I really start to count the calories (which I plan on doing) I am probably eating more than I is that possible?'s like I've been wearing blinders for the last couple of months..Actually I think I had convinced myself that since I've been doing this for 2 years now I know what I am doing....NOT!!!!
Stop and smell the roses Sue!!!
Reading BTFFTM has made me realize a few things so I'm going to start tweaking until I get this thing right... I thought that grazing was a good idea for me..and I still believe it is.... but not eating something every couple of hours...I need to wait the 3 hrs so what I ate can digest completely before adding more on top of it... Now this is common sense so why haven't I been doing it right? Instead I had convinced myself since it was such a small amount of food that it won't hurt to eat it sooner...I used to do it right but have gotten off the beaten track in the last couple of months and didn't even realize it...
Also I thought I was getting enough protein but see that I really need to concentrate on getting more (maybe doing another protein drink before or after my workout) I think this is why I'm soo hungry when I get home from the gym altho I eat Sugar snap peas/clemetine on my drive home thinking that would keep me from being soo hungry when I get home...I've gotten away from doing a protein with a carb for a snack and am doing way to much carbs...even if they are healthy fruit & veggies I still need to partner them up with a protein (I knew this but again have gotten sloppy)...Will have to get serious about this...
And I'm reconsidering a "cheat day"...I've always said I couldn't do a "cheat day" because if I had those foods in the house I would eat them even if it wasn't the right time...Well, I've been bringing those things in the house anyway so I might as well control it by giving myself a day when I CAN eat them...I'm thinking Peanut Butter here, it's my one downfall in life...I just love the Natural P'nutbutter and i think if I know I can have a small amount on a certain day, I can do that... I will have to be careful not to get crazy and eat more than I need but I should be able to have say...a candy bar or a pb/honey wrap (my invention) one day a week and knowing this should get me though the rest of the week. After all I am being honest with myself this year and counting everything I the past I just bought it, ate it and then try to convince myself it didn't count and won't hurt...
For over 2 years now I have tried to keep my calorie count down below 1400. I think my body has adjusted and now my metabolism is slower (hence the plateau) so I am thinking about trying the zig zag approach... that's where I go 3 days low calories (1400-1600)then 3 day higher calories(1800-2000)...this should keep me from going into the starvation mode... and mentally I can always tell myself that if I want something higher calorie (like pizza, or my favorite veggie chips/tortilla's) that I will be able to have it on my higher day...The higher calories should help me gain some muscle and definition as long as I up my bad all the stuff I really like is carbs and not protein... It might take me longer to reach my goal of 149 pounds but I know that I need to do this slow anyway so I don't gain all this FAT back... It's all about Planning...I need to keep journaling and start counting the calories (I hate doing both).
Now if only I could get my mind off from eating all of the time...


Anonymous said...

You know what? I don't think we'll ever get to the point that we're not thinking about eating all the time. Look at it this way, when you were fat it was because you thought about food all the time and then got up and got the food. You cared that it wasn't healthy, but not enough to stop you from eating. Now you're trying to change your habits and think about what you put into your body. If it's not good for you, you either don't eat it or you limit your intake. You're putting your consciousness to good use.

Face it, the only people who don't think about food are those that are naturally skinny (like I used to be...sigh) and those who just don't care. I think about food all the time and I have to really work at eating clean, but the alternative to that is just letting myself go and I refuse to do that.

Lady Sue said...

You're right...I just wish I could get to the point that the only time I thought about food was when it's time to eat... but at least i feel like I'm heading in the right direction finally.

Anonymous said...

I agree about thinking about food. You knowI've taken the same journey in weight loss as you with success this time. But what Collen said makes sense . We are going to think about food so think in the positive. plan and journal. Even when I'm off plan I can see my mistakes in the journal and hopefully correct them.(not always).
I would love to be able not to think about food but if I allow it to go to the subconsious I would just eat. So hang in there I hear what your saying.