Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Big Bertha here......
Man, I'm soooo tired of all this nonsense about getting healthy and looking good...
What's the big deal... Look at me...I'm Big and I'm doing alright...
Hey... I'm comfortable... I get to eat what ever I want, love my donuts in the morning and wooohooo those chips in the afternoon really hit the spot...
I go around all day in my favorite pink housecoat... so what if it's a little worn in spots (mainly around the front tummy area and the butt area)and don't ya just love my fluffy slippers (the only things my swollen feet fit in)...
I get to sit around all day and watch my soaps or read a Harlequin romance novel with a box of chocolate covered cherries...
I get plenty of exercise going back & forth to the fridge to get my soda's... and I do take a walk to the mailbox once a day...HAH!! Who needs more?
I don't need to listen to those doctors when they say I need to lose weight...I feel fine...Okay so my feet and legs do cause me some pain... but I figure that's part of getting older....and I do have trouble catching my breath sometimes...like when I'm walking to the mailbox...but if I go really slow it's alright...and I raised the head of my bed so I can sleep at night...see there is a way around everything...Why should I have to deprive myself of all the GOOD foods I love............

**** please note that Big Bertha's disappeared on June 16, 2003...no more to ever be seen...Sue

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