Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Look at Highlights from 2005

January 2005...I started 2005 in SC with my friends Con & Paula... We went to eat at a Japanese restaurant and then to their house to watch movies. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. When ever I start missing Larry too much, I go see Conry...He is soo much like Larry in so many ways that it helps me get through the rough patches...He is such a good friend.

I can't really remember doing anything in Feb or March...Maybe just worked out at the gym...

In April I turned 55 yrs old and I threw myself a big party...had lots of friends and of course the girls and their hubby’s (only adults so you can guess what kind of party it was). #1 Niece & The KID made my birthday cake, it was a hoot… it was a cake in a kitty litter pan with lil tootsie rolls that looked like you know whats…never seen anything like it before or since… I would say I brought in my 55th year with a bang.. All had a good time.

In June I went to Columbia SC to visit my friends Conry & Paula, we took a hike through the Congrees Swamp, the first time I have actually been in a swamp. It was soo cool. I now know what Cypress Knees look like (had read about them but never seen them) but didn’t see any gators or crocs.

At the end of July my family on my Mother's side had their big family reunion in Golden Colorado. I flew to Denver on Friday and flew back to Atlanta on Monday.. Saturday we all did the Buffalo Bill Days Parade and then took a tour at the Coors Brewery. On Sunday we met up at the campsite above Golden and got caught up on what everyone has been doing. It went so fast but it was nice seeing all the relatives that I haven’t seen for soo long and some I have never met. My only regret is that we didn’t get any group pictures… couldn’t seem to get everyone together at the same time…

Then in August I drove to Gatlinburg TN to meet some friends, Frank & Val, from NJ. We hiked all day in the beautiful mountains on Saturday and then on Sunday we took a bike ride around Cades Cove, which is a 12 mile ride around an old community in a valley with log cabins, old churches, cemeteries and beautiful scenery. Now let me tell you I was glad that I’ve been working out as much as I have the last year because these bikes were the old fashion type pedal bikes and there were lots of hills to ride up but what a blast riding down with the wind in your face. We got there early, around sunrise, before they let the tourist with their cars in. We saw a little brown bear and lots of deer; in fact we almost walked up to a deer at one of the cabins. I think the coolest thing was when we rode up this hill to one of the churches and heard music, at first I thought it was canned music but when we got to the church there was an actual choir there singing, no organ just about 8-10 people singing, We sat and listened for awhile, it was so peaceful in the quiet of the mountains just to hear the choir singing. It will be a memory that stays with me for a long time.

I did my first 5K run in August at the Duluth Fall Festival. I came in 2nd for my age group. I even got a plaque… #1 Niece had been running at the park with me every Sunday for awhile and we both did this race… It was hard but I really like it. I really need to keep a log of my races & times so I can see how much I've improved...

On August 19th I started this Blog!!!

In September I took a trip up to NJ to visit Frank & Val, since I’ve never been in that part of the country… We did a charity 5 mile run for the victims of Katrina on Saturday morning. Some friends from Pennsylvania came up and we did a day hike on the Appalachian Trail. It took us 7 hours and there was only one place I won’t go, it was a straight down drop so we had to add about 3 miles to our hike, but it was worth it to me since I’m not into rock climbing (yet!). It was a little early for the leaves changing color… they have been having unusually warm weather this year. I had such a good time that by the time I went home on Monday I didn’t have a voice left… sooo much talking & laughing…

In October my second 5K race. I didn’t do as well as I thought I should have but it was my own fault. I had gone out the night before with #2 Niece and so wasn’t feeling as up to it as I should have. I learned my lesson.

When I ran my 3rd race in November I came in 1st for my age group…. Goes to show what an old lady like me can do when she puts her mind to it… This was the race at the park that #1 Niece and I run on Sundays... except it went in the opposite direction we were used to running...Now we run both ways...

In December I did the Jingle Jog 5K by myself...It was cold but fun... I thought my picture might be on line but I guess since my jacket covered my # at that time it didn't get posted... Maybe next time.

I ended the year by going back to SC and getting totally wasted with Conry & Paula, eating some delicious Mexican and watching movies... It was good...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Wow!! You have really accomplished a lot this past year. You deserve a big pat on the back and I'm giving it to you right now!

Way to go!!