Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Day 8 of 21 days

I am reading "Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle" by Tom Venuto and he says in it that a habit can be formed in just 21 days (I think I've heard this somewhere else before)... so hopefully by the end of this 21 days journaling will be a habit...something I am comfortable with...because right now it's a BIG pain...I really need to get my mind around this and think positive..

And I figure if it takes 21 days to form a habit... it probably takes 21 days to break one also...so I'm thinking positively here that by the end of the 21 days I will have broken the habit of constantly looking to eat everything in site when I get home at night or when I'm home on the weekends...you don't think it will take 21 weekends to accomplish that one do you????

My philosophy up to this time has always been take one day at a time...Forget what happened yesterday and Just get through today doing the best that you can. Tomorrow will take care of itself...

I think I'm going to have to re-evalate that philosophy and maybe change it to Learn from yesterday...Live today to the fullest of your ability and Tomorrow Will take care of itself...

All this thinking is hurting my head....

1 comment:

PartTimeMom said...

I LOVE that book - there is A LOT to read though.

Hope your head feels better *chuckle*