Friday, January 27, 2006

I think I'm finally getting it!

Last night at Hip Hop I finally felt like I was dancing and not just exercising...
It was a good workout but ohhhh soooo much fun...This is the 2nd week we did this dance routine and I nailed most of it...My feet and hands are finally starting to get the hang of doing 2 things at one time...Most of the moves we have done before but in a differant routine... Usually given something new really throws me and takes me forever to get the hang of it... I can't tell you what the music was last night but it was better than last weeks' which I never got in the "groove" (is that still said...oh well)..but for some reason last night I felt the music and moved with it might be that I was just following the guy next to me...this was the first time I had seen him there...he did stand out a little...he was a young white guy...kind of looked like he might work construction...not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that he just didn't really fit in with all these young girls (mostly Hispanic) and black guys...I must admit that I am in the minority in this class also (and I don't care). But we are gaining...there were a couple of new ladies, closer to my age and white that joined last night...No was a really crowded class last night...Lot's of new people..the word is out at the gym how much fun this class is....I've known it for a month!!!! The important thing is I am learning to MOVE this body...I truly think this class has helped me in playing racquetball...since starting this class I feel like I move faster and more co-ordinated...and it makes me feel young...
One thing about the class being so crowded is that I can't see myself in the dreaded mirrors as easy but last night I did catch a glimps of myself and I looked sooo like a normal sized person not the fat ole lady that used to see...wooohoooo.....
Now all i need to do is get the right clothes to wear...I'm thinking a pair of low riding sweatpants with maybe the word SEXY on the butt.. you know the ones that ride low on my hips....and then a tight lil tank top...short enough so my belly shows..yep I can just see it....bhaaaaahahahhahaha

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