Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I love my Bod

I love looking down at my body and not having my belly block the view....I'm having a "skinny" day today...I'm sitting here at my computer (taking a break from invoicing) and practicing holding in my tummy as tight as I can (it caves way in...coool)and holding it there as long as I can...it's really pretty easy for me to do now and even feels natural...scary...
When I looked in the mirror last night after changing into my size 10 jeans I noticed that I am getting a shape...yep, I even have hips (and I like it)...before I was just a big round blob....
I love seeing my collar bones, they stick out,...and when I look down at my arms (before I lift them up to see the bird wings) they even look firm and skinny. Without my shirt I can see my 6 pack ...ok so it's probably more like a 2-4 pack, but it's a start. Sometimes I can't believe this is really me....You have to remember I have spent the last 35 years weighing over 200 pounds (and most of the time that how I see myself in my mind).... I'm getting so pyched about losing this next 10-15 pounds...If I feel this good now, can you just imagine how I'll feel when I get in the 150's Woooooohooooooo....
It's amazing what a good hair day will do for a person....

All went well this past weekend with the New Plan for eating...I'm on my 2nd day of HPLC today and so far it feels pretty good...
I did weigh in at 168 on Saturday and I'm refusing to get back on the scale until next Saturday...
165 HERE I COME!!!!


KatieFeldmom said...

How awesome for you!
Keep up the great work!
You are definitely an inspiration!

Shelly said...
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Shelly said...

SLEM, you rock! Just found your blog and I'm enjoying it. Did Cinderella stay out until midnight when Prince Charming showed up? I hope so.

Lady Sue said...

Thanks guys....
and Shelly, yep I ended up staying out until 1 am...and my pink truck didn't turn into a pumpkin but took me right on home to my "castle"...