Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The pity party is over!!!

Wheewwww. I guess Evil Eva did get a hold of me yesterday...She, Moanin' Mona & Spacey Lacey had a great time...I barely can remember what I did yesterday...I hate when that happens...
Work suffered because Spacey Lacey didn't get one of the jobs assigned like I should have (she makes my head so fuzzy)... Had to work all this morning straighening it out and getting caught up (I'm on my lunch hour now).. Moanin'Mona had fun on the Whine thread at eDiets...and ya'll got the benefit of EE's total negativity.... See what I have to put up with all the time....

Actually, thanks to the comment A made, I took a second look at the picture...true I'm not UGLY and so what if I am starting to show my age, like A said, I have earned those lines....(Ugly would be if I had a big old wart on my nose with a hair growing out of it, hairy eyebrows and crossed eyes)
What I see when I look at the picture today...is a woman who is sure of herself. someone who is happy...see the twinkle in the eyes? And don't ya just love the color of that jacket (that's the same color as my truck)...So I don't look like I'm in my 20's, 30's or even my 40's....who gives a flippin' _______? I think I look pretty good compared to how I looked a few years ago...I know I feel good...so I'm going to go with that...
Again I ask myself...Why do I let pictures put me in a tail spin? I do think I will stay away from having my picture taken....it's not worth what I put myself through...even when I think I'm prepared for the worst I'm always shocked at how I look in pictures....definately not what I picture myself looking like...
The quest for a good picture started since I've been looking into the on line dating thing...I've signed up for a couple and they all want pictures... As soon as I posted pictures the guys that I was emailing dropped me like a hot potato...so this has erroded my confidence a little lately and given EE the edge that she's been waitng for...to undermine all that I have done...Well....that's not going to happen...I might stumble around a little but I will pick myself back up and go Forward with my plan...Sexy Sue (in control again)


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the pity party is over. As for those guys who dropped you when they saw your picture, well, we all know how shallow men are. Especially the middle aged ones with their beer bellies. They all think they can score a cute 20 year old. You know there are good men out there. You had one of them for a long time. There must be more somewhere. Just don't settle for second best.

Lady Sue said...

Thanks for the encouragement...It's nice to know that I'm not alone.
And you are right ... I won't settle for second best..I'm worth much more than that.