Friday, February 10, 2006

day one of 21 days

Happy Freakin''s been a long week....I wish I could say that I did good on sticking to my Plan...but no such luck...I'm back to not journaling and eating pretty much the way I was before the first of the year...And why is that? you ask.... probably because i fell back on the old habits AGAIN (especially the last couple of days) what am i going to do about it? well, i guess I will pick myself up off the ground and start again...

so back to coming here and seems to work the least until i can make it a habit.... so back to the old 21 days to make a habit... (altho the last time I made it to 27 days and it didn't stop me from falling down). So you can skip the next part if you want...It's for ME...
6:30 am Protein drink, vitamins & supplements
10:00 am Kashi cereal and banana
Packed for the rest of the day
LUNCH...Spinach/strawberries/walnut/blue cheese salad with raspberry vingerette, 1 oz tuna w pickle relish & nf miracle whip & 5 crackers...clemetine & string cheese
Almonds for the way to the gym
Clif energy bar (carrot cake) for after workout

Work out planned...
20 mins stretch
45 mins legs
1-2 hrs racquetball

Dinner after gym planned...
veggie burger & raw sliced zuchinni with nf sour cream ranch dip

I noticed when I plan dinner (that means writing it down.. not just thinking it) then I stick to it and don't do the mindless eating (which I've been doing again..telling myself that I need to eat more when I get home from the gym because I have been working out more...what a bunch of malarkay...) I am convinced that if I can just get my eating under control than I will have finally be able to lose this last 20 pounds...
Right now I am flucuating between 168 and 170...I tried to tell myself that I'm gaining muscle and that's why the scale isn't moving but if I'm being honest with myself here..then that can't be it because my clothes aren't getting any bigger..true they aren't getting any tighter either but it's been a month now and something should be happening.... but on the other hand I was looking at my arms & shoulders in the mirror at Hip HOp last night and they definately are looking buff...scary...
Oh yeah... this past weekend I tried on the 2 piece swim suit I bought last summer but have never had the nerve to wear..and it fit pretty darn good (except for my obliques which I really need to work on) I tried to take pictures of me looking in the mirror (not quite sure how people do that) and will compare it with how I look in a couple of months (that is if the pictures turn out)...
I need to get #1 niece to do that pinch test for my body fat again...she was busy the last time and I didn't make it over to her place...excuses, excuses.... also need to take my measurements...been putting it off until I do the body fat test...

OK food I tried last night and DON'T like...Lean Crusine microwave spinach & mushroom Pizza....way too much crust...if I could just figure out how to have the spinach & mushroom topped with cheese without the crust....hmmmmm...that should work...but I don't keep cheese (except for my sting cheese) in the house...I'll have to think about this one..... I could do a wrap...okay tooo much thinking about food here...

Plans for the weekend....going to the Circus on Sunday with the Kid, Bubba, Lil Missy, #1 Niece, the Boy and Mini Meme...I think the son-in-law might even be coming..what a crowd...should be fun...At least no one will mistake me for the FAT LADY there will be no run at the park this weekend...I'll have to run on the treadmill and extra day next week to make up for it...especially since I'm going to do the 10K the next weekend....

Plan to journal here on Saturday but probably won't make it on Sunday..that will be my FREE DAY...I'm not going to call it a CHEAT day because I hope to stay within my calories and will most likely get some exercise at the circus..walking, carrying grandkids...etc...just not going to worry about counting calories (if there is something I really want and it's not to crazy in calories I will have it) & journaling that one day....

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