Tuesday, February 07, 2006

10k? OR noT!!

Last night at the gym one of the gals that also runs (she's working toward doing a 1/2 marathon in Nov 2006) mentioned that she is doing the Ronald Reagan Road Race 10K in 2 weeks and it got me to thinking that I really want to do it too....
The Evil Eva in me's first thought was "NO WAY can I run a 10k. I'm lucky to run a 5K....NO NO NO"...
but once I got her calmed down...I started to thinking that JUST maybe I can do this... I know that I can do the 5K (hell, I just did my 5th one and survived) and I really need to move it up to the next step...especially if I want to run the P'tree Road Race on July 4th (this is a 10K with the famous Heartbreak Hill)and someday do a 1/2 marathon myself.

Then Moanin' Mona pipes in "what makes you think we are a runner...remember how much our knees hurt...remember all those aches and pains...why do you put us thru this?"
But I reminded her how much easier it is for me to move now..that my knees rarely bother me....that the aches & pains she keeps moaning about are a thing of the past as long as I do my stretches & eat enough protein & take my supplements..That quieted her down...

Then i start to doubt myself again...so I called #1 Niece and she of course told me "Sure you can do it"... so why do I doubt myself so much...I know that I can finish a 10K cause #1 Niece and I do 6 miles on Sunday at the park and 10K isn't that much more...so what if I don't Run the whole thing and end up walking most of the last half...what do I have to lose...What am I afraid of? Why should I let this fear rule me and stop me from doing something I know I will do at some time anyway...so NOW IS THE TIME....

I went back and reread Ryan's comments on my previous blog and viewed his profile. He is doing the Boston Marathon this year...and he inspired me... So I'm going to register on line for it and then I won't have any excuse not to run my 1st 10K this month.....

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