Friday, February 24, 2006


HUG v. 1. to clasp or hold closely, esp. in arms: EMBRACE
2. to hold steadfastly to: CHERISH

I love to hug and be fact I think I will declare this a Hug A Freind, A Loved One or Even A Stranger DAY....

There are so many differant kinds of hugs...

There's the Bear Hug...that's what I always get from my Brother Willy...he gets me in a hug and won't let go..but that's alright because I just hug him back..

I don't remember too many hugs from my Mom while growing up but she's made up for it since I've been an adult...maybe I just wasn't that loveable as a child.. Her hugs are quick...I'm not sure she is comfortable with hugging me even now but she does it so that means alot to me...

My older Sister Connie is alot like my Mom...I love to embarrass her by hugging her in public...even better is to plant a big kiss on her lips and watch her scrunch up her face and go ewwwwwwww...(it's the Evil Eva in me that makes me enjoy it so much).

My younger sis (#1 Niece's Mom) is alot like me...pretty demonstrative...I love hugging her and we have been known to hug each other no matter where we are...

Lar's hugs usually ended up with a pat on my back to let me know he was hugged enough...but the thing I loved about him was that I could go up to him and hug him at anytime...he was never too busy or preoccupied to hug me back... He was a big guy (6'4" 280lbs)& even when he was in his wheelchair I could go up to him, straddle him and he would hug me (I miss that sooo much)...alot of times it would just end up with us holding each other... The last month of his life he was bed ridden and couldn't talk...he would ring his bell and try to tell me something (I would see the tears in his eyes from the frustration) and I would ask him "Do you want me to just hold you" He would nod his head and then I would hug him and hold him to me until he patted my back and then he would be calm for awhile...

I love hugging my Grand kids....when they are little they just naturally hug the boys are getting older they go through stages...sometimes they will give me the big bear hug and other times they'll hug me real quick just to get it doesn't matter...I love feeling their arms around me. Oh yeah, I mustn't forget when I kneel down to their height to get my hug and they try to push me over...and it ends up being a struggle...tooo much fun...
The girls are still little enough that they just give me that baby hug...the one where there lil arms go around my neck and usually includes a kiss...they are so darn cute...

Whenever I see The Kid, #1 Niece or #2 Niece, we always give each other hugs when we leave each other...

In fact, in case you can't tell, I am very hugable... I think that I used to be one of those soft cuddly huggers (you know like the Church Ladies) but since I've lost this weight I wonder if it's the same?

Well...I'm off to find someone to HUG today...


f-stop steve said...

In our house (for as long as I can remember) we have had a policy. It takes 4 hugs a day to survive, 6 hugs a day to maintain what you have and 8 hugs a day to grow. I know of what you speak. So, wrap your arms around yourself and call it a hug from me.

Anonymous said...

I have grand kids that I love to shop for. I bought them their Easter Dresses this year at They loved the Flowers by Zoe line that just came in. And, needless to say I received a lot of Hugs! I guess I got it right this time!