Tuesday, February 21, 2006

About me....

As usual this is all about me...I've been thinking bout things I like/love and don't like.
In no particular order....

I love to read...I have thousands of books in my house...12 bookcases and lots of boxes packed with books... i read almost any kind of book...I go on tangents and will read all sci fi for a while then switch over to "no brainer" love stories... Right now I'm into spy/thriller books...
Current book reading is Clive Cussler's Vallaha Rising and on the side (in the bathroom) I'm reading a love story and I can't remember the author..it'll come to me...

I love waking up early in the morning for a trip and seeing the sun come up.

I love looking at clouds (this I get from my Granmother on my Mom's side of the family) and seeing all the differant shapes my imagination can make.

I love watching my grandkids play together.

I love seeing my daughter & niece together...they make such coool adults (who'd thunk)and parents... I am sooo proud of them both...

I love looking at a good looking guy in tight jeans, especially if he has long legs...Ok so I'm a pervert...

I don't like baggie jeans on a guy that hang low on the butt...Yech..how unattractive can you get...

I love the way my body feels after a good workout with the weights.

I don't like how I feel after eating a whole pizza by myself....

I love the adrendine rush I get after finishing a race or playing a good game of racquetball...

I love listening to ZZ TOPS on Sunday morning while cleaning the house (cranked up as loud as it will go)..

I like long showers, I don't like baths...and my shower has to be sooo hot that the mirrors steam up in the next room...during the winter my hot water heater only gives me enough hot water for a 7 min shower..what a bummer.....

I love my house...it is perfect for me and I plan on living there (by myself) for the rest of my life..

I love sitting on the verandah in the glider late on a hot summer night just listening to the world pass me by...

I love finding and buying clothes that are ME....

I like talking to people...to see what makes them special...

I don't like when people talk down to me...I might not be as smart as some but I'm not an idiot either...

I don't like to fight...altho I've been in a few...

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