Saturday, February 18, 2006

I'm feelling GOOD!!!

Alright....I did the 10K and I finished in 107.30 mins...not as good as I hoped but then not as bad as I feared....I'm happy with it because I proved to myself that I could do it..
I was worried because they were calling for rain but we lucked out and no was cold, the temp started to drop around 7:30 this morning..(I just went out to the truck and it's now starting to about luck!!!). Also my knee has been giving me fits all week and last night when I was playing racquetball it was really hurting...I came home last night and iced it down and took some Motrin (which I hate doing) then this morning I took some more seemed to help...
My knee still hurt especially on the 5th mile (which was all incline)so I mostly walked/ran the last half of the race which was mostly inclines it seemed(that's why my time wasn't as good as I wanted). It's weird I worried so much about not being able to do this (in fact I was almost physically sick to my stomach this morning when I left to go to the race) and then once I started to run after the first 5 mins I knew that I could do it. I had already made up my mind that I would finish no matter what...I didn't have any other choice...
It was a good route, no steep hills and some nice straight ways so I could get my speed up before getting to the inclines..Not sure where I am in the standing with my age group.. they didn't hand out awards that I could didn't seem to be many women in my age group running the 10K but then it's hard to tell age anymore... But the Main thing is I FINISHED... I'm ready for the next one....mabye in 2 weeks...
I think this race has finally convinced me that I am A RUNNER... I loved it..who'd thunk it could be...this woman who 3 years ago had to use a buggy to walk behind to get around in WalMart because walking was such a chore...(see me patting myself on the back...whoooohoooo)..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must clarify! Was it 107.30 minutes or 1:07:30? There's a 40 minute difference there and if you ran it in an hour and seven minutes, we can't have people thinking it was an hour and forty-seven minutes, now can we?