Friday, February 03, 2006

5K tomorrow

One of my goals for this year is to run 12 5K's (not including the P'tree Road race in July which is a 10K)...that's one a month but since I missed last month I guess I will have to double up one month....hopefully I will be able to run a 1/2 marathon at one time in my life....Why this is so important to me I don't know...actually I've always dreamed of running in the Boston Marathon but I know that is just what it is ...a I will take the next best thing...anyhooooo
#1 Niece and I are running a 5K tomorrow morning at GA TECH. She & her hubby are true blue techies and I have to admit that I kind of blackmailed her into running this race with me by telling her that if she didn't run it with me I would have to run it with some friends from the gym who are GA Bulldog fans and I would have to wear something with Bulldogs on it....Needless to say she couldn't let that happen so she is running with me...
I'm going to have to gear myself up to really run my best...the last couple of times we have run at the park she has really improved her run...I have to confess that I run best at the park where i know all the hills and have set myself goals to how far I can run with out walking....I'm currently working on making it all the way to the top of this really long incline at about the 2 1/2 mile mark and once I get past that I know that I will be able to run the whole 3 miles without walking...for some reason when I'm running 5K's I don't push myself as hard...some of it is because I don't know the route but this time I have a map and I know just how far I should be able to go without walking (I'm setting goals in my mind as I type)....#1 Niece has set a goal of running it in 30 best time so far has been 32 mins sooo we'll see how it goes...who knows maybe I'll bring home another
I need to start looking for another 5K after this one....

1 comment:

Ryan said...


Great blog!!

I think anyone can aspire to run a marathon. It just takes -
“The courage to start
The strength to endure
The resolve to finish”

It's a gradual process and you've already taken the hardest step!!!

Good luck!!