Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I made it through yesterday (Larry's B'day) without looking to food for comfort altho I did think about him alot....I kept busy all day and I think it helped me to come here and blog about Larry on it all out of my system ahead of time...
For years I've always planned on being depressed on Jason's (my son who died at age 7 yrs old back in 1978) B'day, if it was a workday I took it off, would stay at home in memory of him....And for the last 2 years I've done the same for Larry's b'day...but not this year..because I knew that if I stayed at home it would be just an excuse to eat all day and be depressed...which is not what Lar would instead I came to work, then went to the gym and had a REALLY good workout, went home, watched the rest of American Idol, ate my lentil soup and then went to the grocery store to buy groceries which I didn't do last the time I got home, put the groceries away I was ready for bed....slept clear thro the night... I'm sure there will be days that I get in a "funk" missing Lar & Jason but I will not make plans to actually do that's not necessary...This is a big step for me in Healing and growing....

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