Monday, February 20, 2006

Let me Clarify!!!

#1 Niece is soooo right (thanks for keeping me straight baby)...I ran the 10K in 1:07:30 (that's 67 min & 30 sec) which is a whole lot better than 107 mins & 30 seconds..this averages out to 10:52 mile...I was doing a 10 min mile at the half but had to walk some due to my knee...but still that's better than I thought.

I went into the website yesterday to look at my results and couldn't find my name in the Womens 10K or 5k so emailed to find out why my results weren't posted...Well, for some reason I was under the Men's 10K...They have fixed that now ...but in the meantime the results showed that 3rd place in my age group went to some other gal with the time of 1:08:32 (they have since changed that to ME) I'm not if I will get an award or not... It really doesn't bother me toooo much...since I now know that I really placed again (even if it was only 3rd Place) for my age group..I'm not unhappy about that for my first 10K...1st place went to a 56 yr olds who's time was 59:29 (that's going to be my goal for next year to beat) and 2nd place went to a 58 yr old with the time of 1:00:17... those gals can really gives me the incentive to keep it up.

More stats....there were 6 women in my age group that ran the 10K... their times were 1:08:32 & 1:09:32 so we were close....

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