Thursday, September 01, 2005

The scale is my Friend today

Usually I hate weighing myself... tooo many years of seeing those numbers over 200... but this morning I decided that I needed a little push in keeping me from eating too much. Sooo I thought "let me weigh myself and see if I'm still at 174 or if I've gained" So after going to the potty (pee does weigh alot right) and stripping down to my bare naked body, I stepped on the scale.....and lo and behold it said 173... whoa.... that's just to scary... you see this past week I have been eating more...still eating healthy just larger amounts... and I haven't been exercising as much and I've changed the way I've been exercising... I didn't do Cardio Kickboxing on Tuesday but did do the life cycle & worked out with the weights a little, but didn't feel like I really pushed myself to my max like I would have if I had done the kickboxing. Then last night instead of playing 2 hrs racquetball, I did the life cycle again (for only 30 mins) and did some back & leg workout... again did not feel that I pushed myself as hard as I could have, in fact I went with lower weights than I usually do and spent alot of time yacking it up with other gym rats.... sooo what the Frack....(again with the new fav word). Now what do I do... do I keep changing up my exercise and eating more calories than I was or do I go back to my schedule of before injury?????
Tonight is my night to run 30 mins (I might try for more) on the treadmill then do triceps/biceps, some bench presses (if I can find someone to spot me) and some serious abs/oblique work... Thursday night is always my serious work out night... no visiting with all of my gym friends...

I booked my flight for my trip to Newark NJ in October today. Thought I had best get my reservations before the gas thing goes totally crazy and the prices goes even higher. I'm going up there to meet some people I've been posting on eDiets with.... I've already met one couple last month in Gatlinburg TN and they have met the other couple. We are all getting together for a day hike and then to see some of the country up there since I have never been in NJ/NY area. It should be a blast and I'm looking sooo forward to it..

Oh yeah... about the results of INXS last night... I guess in my subconsious mind I knew that Ty was going to get the axe... I didn't even put him in the picture.... I was disappointed that he had to blame it on the race thing. Face it he just didn't fit in with INXS's style of music... that's not saying he wasn't good just that he didn't fit in.
I hope Jordis does better next week.. I thought she was real weak last night and was surprized that they didn't let her go.... I still would buy her CD if and when she gets one... like I said I love her voice...

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