Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Double Monday

Well here it is "Double Monday" the Tuesday after a holiday...

Why is it that after a three day weekend, it seems that the first day back to work is always such a long day??? I feel that I have been here in this office for hours & hours.... and here it is only 11:30 am... I keep looking at the clock thinking that it must be time for lunch... I'm sooo starved (my tummy is even growlin")... I ate my banana early (at 8:30) and now all I can think about is my lunch that is packed and waiting for me in the truck... Now there is a reason I leave it out in the truck... I have tried to bring it in the office with me but I "sneak" eat all morning and by lunch time there's nothing left... soooo I have learned the hard way that it stays in the truck.... Now the question I have to ask myself is who I'm "sneaking" the food from... I have always been a "sneak" eater.. I think I get it from my Mom... I remember as a kid that she would buy choc covered cherries and hide them from us. Who can blame her, with 4 kids who were always hungry, a box of chocolates would have lasted ooohhhh about 2 seconds.... I still hide food from Myself, like in the freezer or way on the top shelf in the cupboard, thinking that if I make it inacessable that I won't break down and eat it... wait ... why buy it if I'm not going to eat it?
This past weekend I gave into Evil Eva and bought that jar of peanut butter, sure it is Natual Peanut Butter with no sugar added but you know it still has lots of calories... I kept sneaking a teaspoon here and a teaspoon there all weekend and damn if the jar isn't almost gone...Not good... and I wonder why the scale was up 2 pounds this morning... Well, no more peanut butter for me.... This is definately a TRIGGER FOOD for me...I wonder why I crave the texture and taste of peanut butter so much? I can go a couple of weeks without it and then Wham all of a sudden that's all that I can think about... eating peanuts doesn't do it for me or anything with peanuts in them either.... nooo it has to be Creamy peanut Butter....and if I add a teaspoon of honey to it , it is even better.... oh no ... confession time coming.... Yep I have given up sugar, but am still sneaking that honey into my life... Now how bad can Honey be for you?

Ok I really have to get me a little notebook that fits in my purse so I can journal EVERY single bite I put in my mouth... No more telling my self that since it's just one little bite it can't hurt anything... yeah we know where that gets you.... with an empty peanut butter jar.... No more telling myself that since I ate such a healthy dinner (my fav spagetti squash w veggies & tofu in a ginger/sesame sauce) that I deserve a little taste of peanut butter... in fact now that I think of it I could have just added the peanut butter to the mix... it might have been good....hmmmm
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with Peanut butter... just in the amount that I eat.. I have found that you can overeat anything... .even stuff that is good for you... so since it is a trigger food, I will make sure I don't buy anymore until I can control it....

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