Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Feeling kinda blah today!!!

Must be the let down of all the good things that's been happening to me lately. I haven't had one of these blah days in a long time...Thank goodness!!!
I didn't want to get out of bed this morning... I woke up pretty much every hour on the hour all night... not unusal for me, part of this is due to 30 years of being a care taker (first my son for 7 years and then husband for 23 yrs).. and around 4 am I finally fell back to sleep... why is it I sleep the best that hour before the alarm is set to go off? I know I was having another weird dream (but can't remember what now) and I wanted to wake up but when I did wake up I didn't want to get out of under the covers... Mornings like this are always hard for me because I reach for Larry without thinking and he isn't there.... you would think that after 3 years I won't do that anymore....some mornings it's just seems harder than others to accept...It is probably the one time I miss him the most because that was "our time" together....
Soooo, what I have to do is set my mind on other things and get my positive mood back... I will not allow myself to stay in this blah mood...
I brought my lunch as usual but I think I will walk over to Sub Way ( a mile) and get a turkey wrap instead.. I can still eat my fruit and veggies that I brought. The walk will do me good. My legs are a little sore this morning from the run Sunday.. I did play racquetball last night and did pretty good for me... didn't win but what the heck..
I didn't do any weights last night ( but did a good 20 mins stretch) because I seem to have lost my gloves and with the arthritis in my hands it's to hard to grip with out them... so I stopped on my way home last night and got a new pair... yay... I had to get some new racquetball balls anyway.... guess I've been hitting them too hard... (big hardee laugh inserted here)..

I will be giving myself a break (?) from working out this weekend because I am keeping my 2 1/2 yr old Grand daughter (lil Missy) overnight Saturday. That means I will have to fore go my run on Sunday. (#1 Niece says she's gong to run anyway with her dog, good for her)... Lil Missy's Mommy, My Daughter, (The KID) is having a birthday in 2 days.... It doesn't seem possible I could have a KID that is going to turn 32 years old... where did all the years go? any hooo I am keeping the lil Missy so Mom & Dad can go away together alone, since Bubba (my 7 yr old Grandson) will be at his Real Dad's (the Jerk) for her birthday... something I believe every couple with small children needs (alone time). It's always interesting to have lil Missy come to visit... It's definately a workout in itself...More about this later I'm sure....

OK I think I've talked myself out of the Blahs... that was easier than I thought... but Life is too good to be depressed (blah)....

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