Friday, September 02, 2005

It's a junkie world I live in!!!

Yay!!! It's Friday and we have a long weekend ahead...
Stayed up until 12:30 last night reading a book and then woke up at 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep.... Finally after tossing & turning for a hour, I got up and cleaned my bedroom. That took a whole 15 mins...did a load of laundry, then went in and cleaned the kitchen (another 15 mins). Decided to go through the cupboards and pull out what I don't & won't ever use again to sell at the yard sale I'm going to have this weekend...

Yard sales!!!! God how I hate them. My Mom & sisters love them. I think that gene missed me (thank God) because I would rather buy new junk than buy junk that people are trying to get rid of (unless it books). I need some monies right now and am tired of having all this junk around so I decided that I will have one last yard sale. The last one I had was after Lar died and my Mom was here. Didn't sell too much shit. I think I probably made 40-60 dollars total. It's weird what stuff did sale. Shit I would never have thought would sell did and the stuff I thought was good stuff didn't sale... goes to show how much I know...I think Mom priced everything too high. I've taken lessons from the son in law since and I'm going to do like he did and basically just give everything away. He made boo ku amount of monies at his yard sale this past spring... I was amazed...
Anyway I'm going to try to sell my bike (I want a new one that my feet can touch the ground).. I've been hesitant about selling this one since Lar did buy it for me... but if I'm not going to use it, why keep it? Also found my AB Roller in storage, forgot I had it and will never use it so maybe I can find some other fool who thinks it will work...

In the past I have tended to be a pack rat, but am trying to change that now too. For one thing, if something were to happen to me, I wouldn't want the Kids to have to deal with getting stuck with all this junk... so I have been slowly but surely paring down everything to only what I really want to keep...
For instance why would I keep a oversized skillet (and I mean really really big) when I only cook for myself now (if I the microwave!!!).. and who needs 30 differant sized cups/mugs (a favorite thing people always bought Lar for his b'day or xmas)? I have a coffee urn, creamer & sugar bowl with cows on it and I don't even drink coffee... what's with that? ...
The only thing I really have trouble getting rid of is books... I have thousands of them ..... I have 12 bookcases filled to the max and then there are the boxes of books in storage and in the attic that I don't tell people about... I really have to do something about them.
The only thing I don't have to sell is clothes, I have gotten rid of all my 2X, 1X and extra large clothing as I have lost weight.. I do still have a box or two of Lar's clothes but don't think I'm ready to sell them at a yardsale.. Need to take them to the same place I took all my other clothes. I still have a favorite sweatshirt of his that I wear sometimes at night... since he was such a big guy it goes to my knees now and make me feel small and to think 2 years ago it fit me.....

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