Monday, January 26, 2009

Wouldn't you know it

I finally figure out something that helps me in the morning with my coughing...I need to have something in my stomach not long after I get out of bed...I hate eating first thing so I usually wait till I've been up a couple of hours at least..So lately I've been eating a half apple on my way to the bus or in case of the weekend right after I get up..and it seems to be helping...Now I see that the price of Apples has gone sky high because of the drought in California...It never fails..I think I must have jixned the apple soon as I start eating them they go crazy with the price...I mean really $6 lb is more like a luxury..I can't eat oranges because of the acidity and banana's have been causing me problems apples seemed to give me roughage and also helped the dryness in my mouth..Now what am I suppose to do...what I eat is very limited due to my weight and health...hmmmm...
Par Contre, my French lessons are going great...I am having soooo much fun with it..My friend "J" and I met at a French Bakery yesterday and one of the chef's there was from Haiti ("J"s parents are from there also) and he speaks French fluently so we got to practice on him..Of course "J" is sooo much better than me because she has been learning and speaking French for a few months now (and belongs to a French Club.Oh La La)..She has even been to France..The rest of the gang bailed out on us but that just gives me a week to get ahead of them all...Most have been studying for awhile but J" says I'm ahead of them already because I'm so determined...A few years ago I was able to get my hands on the Berlitz French Self Teaching Course which includes 12 tapes and books... I tried it on my own but got discouraged and gave up on both "J" and I are using them in combination of learning with the group and using her books from when she took a French Course through the county schools..I figure I can use all the help I can get...Anyway...In the Toliette (bathroom in French) at the restaurant there was this sign in French so I copied it down and "J" and I were trying to translate Read...

En Vente ici
Pains d'Epices
Le Moilleue au miel pur d'Abeeilles

"J" translated the second line as spiced bread...she is reading the second chapter of her book today and lo and behold "pains d'Epices" is there and it means cool is that...I know I get excited about the weirdest things..but it is fun....And I found my "K" spot....just in case you didn't know this is the spot in the back of your throat where the sound comes from when you say K...this is important for speaking French because this is where the rolling of the R comes from...I've been having problems with this but now I'm practicing rolling my r's's harder than it sounds...I know people must be looking at me like I'm crazy because I go around speaking or trying to speak French and practicing rolling those r's which sounds pretty strange when I do it...
It looks like I might be able to get back to hiking soon...not necessarily with the AOC group but with one of the leaders..about a year ago he developed some health problems and had to stop hiking/backpacking...he was my favorite leader because we always saw a least one waterfall on the hike and he's close to my I always knew I could pretty much keep up...I saw him for the first time in a long time at the AOC Christmas party and he told me he wasn't doing much hiking because he has to go so slow...anyway long story short...we exchanged emails this past weekend and have decided that we would try to get together and do some local hikes since we both are having breathing problems but want to get back into it..I'm excited about that because I really do love being outdoors hiking in the woods and mountains..Now if it would only warm up...for some reason the Cold is really bothering me this winter..usually I just bundle up in many layers and go for it..part of the problem is I don't fit in most of my clothes because of the weight gain and I refuse to spend money (even if I did have it) on new ones when I'm determined to get back into all the clothes I already have for hiking...
Wish me luck..I'm going to try to play racquetball again tonight...I stayed away from it last week because I just could seem to catch my breath and was working on the AKS (American Kidney Service) calls...I'm pretty much caught up on those for today...and there really isn't any excuse why not to get to the gym...still undecided about whether to keep the membership or not..until I do make a decision I need to get my monies worth from it...for now

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