Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I've always wanted to be one of the people that look so damn cute in a hat..but whenever I find a hat I really like and put it on my head it just NEVER looked right..either my head was too big, it made me look like a guy or it was crooked (I think i really must have an odd shaped head under all this hair) any hoooo..

Friday night I was at my fav store Wally World getting fruit to take with me to the Jazz Festival on Saturday when I saw this really cute lil white hat and thought what the heck ...so I tried it on expecting the worse....walked over to the mirror and imagine my shock (and surprize) when It actually looked good...it wasn't crooked and my bangs kept me from looking like a guy and it actually fit...I Freakin' Love IT...and it was only $3.84 sooo what did I have to lose... yep...I bought it and wore it to the Festival on Saturday...Got a lot of good compliments on it tooo (even from people I didn't know)..

This is the First time that I remember ever wearing a hat...I might have wore them when I was a kid but who remembers that far back...

I tried to download a picture that a friend emailed me this morning of me wearing it at the park but I must be doing something wrong because it won't take it... and I know ya'll were just waiting to see it...LOL....Take my word for it...I LOOKED CUTE WEARING IT...

That's another First...there was a few pictures of me taken Saturday and I didn't go ballistic over them...I actually think I looked good in them...Oh one where i'm bending over shows my roll of fat on my middle but even that didn't send me into a tizzy...We'll have to see what I think in a couple of months...I hate that when you think you look so good and then later you look at the picutures and say to your self
"What the f___ was I thinking?"

But who cares right now because I Had a blast at the Jazz Festival...was there from 9 am to 11 pm...and didn't even get sunburned altho it did get hot...I heard it was in the high 90's...

Sunday I got up early and ran at the park by myself and for the very FIRST time I ran all the way around the lake (all three miles) with out walking....this was one of my goals at the first of the year..I wanted to do it by my Birthday and then I pulled that hamstring and it put me behind...but what the Heck...I did it...It felt sooo good.. I did get some weird looks because I was jumping in the air doing the "Rocky" victory dance when I actually reached that spot...then I turned around and walked/ran the thing again...just to prove to myself that I could do it...It felt good...

I've signed up for another hike with Funhikes.com for this weekend...this one is called Hike for the Hearty...I'm not sure that I'm really all that hearty but it does sound good...it's a 10 mile hike that is rated moderate to strenuous....I need to go out and get some second skin or moleskin because they say "there will be Blisters" ...what have I gotten myself into....but this will let me know if I will have what it takes to get into backpacking...It is located beyond the Georgia border into North Carolina and will be climbing to the top of Scaly Mt (4500 ft)...I saw some pictures on line and it really looks pretty...I can't wait...I'm even giving up a raquetball game for this...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done on that at 3 mile run! That is absolutely wonderful - a REALLY great achievement. No wonder you did the Rocky victory dance - and who cares anyway, you deserve it!

How nice about the hat - I've just bought my first ever hat as well. One of the reasons I didn't like walking in the sun last summer was because it kept giving me headaches, so I'm ready for it this year (if we ever get a summer over here).

That 10 mile hike sounds fun and a nice way to meet new people. I love walking but I'm not so sure about the blisters. When I'm planning on a long walk/hike I wear a pair of running socks inside a pair of cotton socks, then my hiking boots and I've not had a blister yet. (I'll probably get one now!)

Sarah x