Monday, May 01, 2006

I forgot!!!

I wanted to tell ya'll bout this guy at the park who was riding his bike...I saw him a couple of times on my run yesterday and while I was doing my stretches at the end of my run, I saw him ride his bike up to a Harley motorcyle and he mounted the bicycle on the back it..I've never seen anything like this before....How coool is that? that he is that dedicated...
I didn't get a bike this weekend..spent all my monies on clothing but I'm still thinking bout it...just trying to figure out how to mount it in the back of my truck so I can take it to the park and maybe even up in the mountains with me...hey if this guy could do it on his Harley...I should have NO Problem...Right?


Anonymous said...

Why do you have to mount it to your truck? It has a bed in it. The only reason I have a bike rack is because I can't fit the bikes into the SUV.

Save your money and we'll go pick out your bike when you're ready. There's no reason to spend any extra on a bike rack when you have a truck.

Amy said...

if i can move a couch with a del sol, anything is possible. have fun with your new wheels!