Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wringing out the sweat!!!!!!

Last night the treadmill kicked my ass....I'm still trying to get back into running so I can do the 5k in two of the gals at the gym is going to do a marathon in November and she has started to train for of the things she told me was that when I run, to do intervals....that is to run for 6 mins, walk for 1 min then run again...over & over.. I did this on the treadmill at random with 3% incline for 45 mins and believe me I was soaked with sweat by the time I was next goal is to do 60 mins this way..hopefully next Tuesday....and when I do that, then the next time I will raise the incline....until I can do those damn inclines..I will not let them beat me...
I worked out with the weight last night after running...I upped my weights on the barbell curl...I could only do 7 reps with the 50# bar for three sets...I won't go back down to the 40# but keep working at getting more reps, this way I will build up...some guy came over and told me I was lifting too much weight...I looked at him and laughed..I think he was jealous...the 40# bar is getting too easy, I have to do about 20 reps before I even start to get's amazing how much differance 10# can make....I thought my biceps would be sore today but they aren't...I can feel the muscles in my tris & chest more...Felt like I had a really good fact when I changed out of my shirt & sports bra before going home..I had to wring out all the liquid before putting them in my bag...that's how much I sweated...

Tonight I'll do some legs and then play racquetball for a couple of'll just be me and my old partner tonight so no cut throat unless someone else shows up and challenges us...


Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to say that, although I haven't commented before on your blogs, I always read them and love reading what you write.

We are similar ages - I'm 51 - and I'm also on the getting fit journey. Its nice to know that there's another lady of a certain age out there who's doing the same crazy stuff.

\about one of your previous blogs, if you ever need a friend or someone to moan to then I'm here.

Sarah (from Yorkshire)

Lady Sue said...

Thanks Sarah...It's good to know...

Do you have a blog? I would love to come visit you...
I know it sure helps me to get my thoughts out there sometimes..but it's kind of scary knowing that people are ACTUALLY reading what write....Oh wait a minute...that's what Blogging is all about...ROTFLMAO!!!