Friday, June 02, 2006


to be more active and meet new people is looking good. I signed up for another hike for tommorow. This one is called Hike for the Hearty and it's at the Georgia/North Carolina will be a 10 mile hike and is rated moderate to strenuous. Again they have 2 differant groups...the "Social Hikers" and the "Fast Hikers"...this time I'm going to hike with the Social Hikers...I figure it will give me more time to actually meet and get to know the group and I won't have to worry about slowing anyone down on the inclines...Also I'm going to ride with the car pool this time since it is quite aways to go...figure again...more time to visit and get to know more people...this will probably turn out to be more of a "Social" event for me than exercise but what the can't be all about exercise, can it?

There is a group called SOA..Singles Outdoor Adventures...that I am going to check out..from what I hear they are a mixed (age) group and lots of fun...they do more than just hike...sounds right up my alley..

Tonight I'm going to another Jazz Festival..this one is close to where I work and is only from 7-9 pm. Since it's at a really nice park I'm going straight from work and meeting up with some freinds early..I've got my lawn chair in the back of the truck and if I must say so for myself...I look extra good today...I'm wearing my size 10 jean capris with the embroidered white roses on the left hip and on the right thigh, a really cute lite purple t'shirt with a low square neck and a lil bow at my shoulder, red hoop earrings to match my red sandals, a silver butterfly necklace and to top it all off I bought another new hat..this one is the same shape as the one I wore this past weekend but is straw colored with darker colored flowers on the side is so freakin' cute...add my really neat new sunglasses and I'm ready to go!!

Pretty soon I will have to get a social calendar so I can keep all these things straight...LOL..

I figured I've worked hard the past 3 years to get my Body in shape and this summer it's time to branch out and work on my social skills...


Shelly said...

10 miles....moderate to strenuous....sounds like exercise to me! Enjoy your adventure while getting to know some like-minded folks. And have fun at the jazz concert. What a great way to start the weekend!

Joy Des Jardins said...

You amaze me Sue. You have a plan, and by God you're following it. I admire that so much. I can only wish you continued's all good.

Suzann said...

Size 10's and a new hat ------ go sister - can't wait to hear about your fun - hugs --