Wednesday, June 21, 2006

rantings of a crazy woman!!!!

Don't get me wrong...I like guys with a lil meat on them...I'm not attacted to skinny guys at all...I don't know if this comes from being overweight myself for sooo many years..but I seem to remember even when I was a young skinny thing it was always the heavier guys that I liked...I DO like to LOOK at those muscular guys at the gym, you know those guys with the ripped muscles and tight asses...but I wouldn't want to take one home...ok maybe for just a lil while just to try it out...LOL...So when I made the comment about Stew being more overweight than "stocky" I didn't mean that this was a bad thing....altho I have noticed that I am getting less attracted to the "sloppy" fat guys...but if a guy is overweight and at least tries to be neat about his appearance then I just figure there's more to snuggle with... but again I have noticed that in the last couple of years my attitude has changed...I really want a guy that takes care of himself....someone who is fit enough to keep up with me....maybe a few pounds over but not to the excess...and I know that the "ole beer gut" is to be expected in any guy over the age of 50?...right???? I see skinny guys with the beer gut all of the time....which is really an ugly sight if you ask me...skinny guys with beer guts..yech...
Now there is this one older guy at the gym that I think has the perfect body....he works out all of the time and is pretty fit but not so overly muscular...he's a nice guy but he's looking for the young buffed blonde bombshell...we've talked...and he's really nice...oh wellll....
Enuff of thinking of guys today..on to something more puzzling to me...

Why is it when you come into work late and work through lunch that the day seems longer altho it's the same hours of work????
I went to the dentist this morning for the first time in about 2 years. I've got a lot of work that needs to be done but have been putting it off for ever because I didn't like the dentist that I was going fact I have NEVER liked Dentists...I hate having someone in my face...and having to keep my mouth open for any period of time is a killer for now I sit here with a mess of teeth that need work...LOTS of work...i just wish my insurance would cover it ALL..Monies is one of the excuses I've used not to get them fixed but I've decided to COMMIT myself and get them taken care of once and for all, instead of taking a vacation this year I am using that monies toward getting my teeth fixed...It just doesn't make sense to get my body in shape and then have terrible teeth..altho if you look at the majority of people in Georgia they all have bad teeth...I myself have had bad teeth since I was a child...I did get some extensive work done on them in my early 30's and was pretty good about keeping up with them until Larry got it's like I have to start all over....I wish I would win the Lottery so I could get Veneers on all of the ones I have left..
I remember being in my 20's and using my bad teeth as an excuse for being overweight...I always said if I could only get my teeth fixed I know I would lose weight....didn't now I'm saying since I've lost the weight now is the time to have good teeth....Bad teeth run in my family...except for my older sis who was the only one that got braces when we were young so she had the toothbrush and HAD to brush her teeth...the rest of us didn't...My younger sis has had false teeth for some time now and they definately didn't help her looks...I really fear having all my teeth pulled and having to wear dentals....I mean I can't stand even chewing gum...or having anything in my mouth without gagging (no wonder I don't get dates...LOL)...
Which reminds me....I found out Saturday I can't chew gum...The Kid gave me some Obits gum (I was concerned that I might have bad breath for my date) and i kept biting my tongue while trying to chew...How do people stand having that in their mouth...I never chewed gum even as a kid...I did try it once but found that I was a "smacker" drove me bats....

Yay, the racquetball courts are open again...they redid the floors...I was having withdrawal...I did think I would get more workouts in since I couldn't play but that just didn't fact I think the past week I've gotten worse about working out than I ever have been...Not quite sure what's going on..probably too focused on guys (got to get over that)...but even my run on Saturday wasn't good..I just can't seem to get my mind into it...I ended up walking more than I have in a long time..and then when #1 Niece backed out on running on Sunday (just because it was Father's Day and she wanted to fix breakfast in bed for her hubby...what's with that?) instead of going by myself which I usually do...I took the day off and didn't run at all...Now if I wasn't doing this 10k on the 4th that won't be a big deal..but I know that i need to be training more for this race or it will end up like the last 10K I did.... It just seems that the more I push the more EE & MM take over and tell me I can't do it...and I'm listening....I really need to get in the right Mind Set for this....


Shelly said...

You can do it! Just visualize that older fit but not too muscular gentleman waiting for you at the finish line. Go for it!

Stef said...

Just checked out your blog for the first time...hope you don't mind me stopping back sometime!
