Monday, June 12, 2006

Breaks over

A month ago on May 11th I decided that I wanted to take some time to enjoy and appreciate this new body I have altho I still have 20 pounds to lose...At that time I felt that I was not only feeling good but looking good....during this past month I haven't changed any of my habits, I watched what I ate and exercised just as i've been doing for the past 2 years. I just quit worrying about losing that 20 pounds and relaxed...and altho I haven't gained any weight in this month, I also haven't lost any...I purposely didn't weigh myself during this time...because the number on the scale is not ME...I really do believe that I needed this Break BUT.....
This past weekend Not only did I feel fat but When I looked in the mirror after my shower, for the first time in a long time I saw the fat around my middle and on my upper legs....sure it's not as much as there was 2 years ago..but it's still there and I DON'T LIKE IT....I know that I can be better...I can look better and feel better...SOOOOO....the BREAK IS OVER and I'm BACK with a Plan....
after looking at WHAT I need to change to start losing weight again using all that I have learned in the past couple of years about myself....I sat down and had a talk with Me, Myself & I and decided that I would really concentrate on getting to 161 pounds by July 4th when I run the P'tree Road Race...
I weighed in at 169.5 this morning so that is 8.5 pounds in 3 weeks= or 2.84 pounds a week...I know this is a little much to try to lose in this amount of time (1-2 pounds a week is recommended)but I think I'm ready and can do it. I really need to do this and get myself off of this plataeu, which I think is mostly a mind thing anyway, or an excuse not to work myself that much harder...anyhooooo....I DO know what is keeping me from losing...
1. My night time eating 2. I have become pretty complacent about pushing myself at the gym...sure I go and I work out but I haven't really pushed myself to my limit in a long time....soooo for the next THREE weeks this is my Plan...

Food.....The secret is not to let myself not get sooo hungry that by the time I get home I'm ready to eat anything and everything in the house so During the week I will eat my larger meal at work and eat VERY light when I get home from the gym..And to do this I need to plan & pack my meals ahead of time.
SO...After cleaning out my fridge to make room for lots of veggies & fruit, then going shopping for the healthy foods that I really do enjoy but have been to lazy to cook, I spent a couple of hours yesterday and cooked a spagetti squash, a butternut squash, my favorite Cabbage/Spinach/Tofu casserole, grilled some salmon & boiled eggs (for salads)...then I packed all with some other good stuff I already had, such as veggie burgers and turkey ham, into 10 differant tupperware dishes and put it all into the freezer (except for the eggs)...Now all I have to do in the morning is grab a dinner out of the freezer (4 differant meals to satisfy whatever craving I have that day) and put it in my bag (this will last me for 2 weeks of workdays), that way I can have my larger meal here at work in the middle of the day and then when I get home from the gym I can fix a quick salad (luv those bagged salads), chop some fresh veggies or fruit for it and enjoy..and if I really want to keep eating I will just say NO and take myself to coool is that? I'll let ya'll know how this works out....
I got all week to figure a plan on how to get through the weekend and
I will be thinking about what meals I want to pack ahead of the time for that last week....
today's meals....
6:30 am Protein drink with Supplements/vitamins
10 am Kashi hot cereal with ripe banana..I've basically given up the cereal now that it's warmer but had this banana that is a little riper than I like so decided to go ahead with the cereal today...
1 pm...1 cup of Cabbage/Spinach/Tofu Casserole and a plum
4 pm & string cheese
5:30 ...1 oz almonds
8:30 spinach salad with strawberries/blueberries/walnut pieces/blue cheese crumbles & raspberry vingrette...Yummmy...I can hardly wait...I usually have this for lunch but finding that I get too hungry to soon..doesn't last me till supper....

Exercise....NO racquetball this week since they are redoing the court floors so this will be a good week to start upping my intensity of workouts..I usually go pretty light on the nights I play racquetball because I don't want to get too tired that I can't play...well I won't have that excuse this week so I plan on getting at least 3 days of running on the treadmill for 30-45 mins (usually only do 1 day during the week and then figure I can run on Sunday at the park)...after running at the park yesterday I realize I really need to up my running...oh yeah, I did run the 3 miles around the lake without walking at all, but ended up taking a quick break before doing the 2nd 3 miles and just couldn't seem to push myself to run the whole way..gave into Moanin' Mona & Evil Eva way more than I should have...
tonight stretch/run on the treadmill and do LBWO/ABS
Tues...stretch/45 mins on eliptical and do UBWO....mostly tris & bis, some chest
Weds...stretch/run on treadmill again and do Back/ABS
Thurs....stretch/Abs/some LBWO and Hip Hop
Fri...Stretch/Bike/and then I'm going to try out the Yoga Class... a friend of #1 Niece's is the instructor and he has been trying to talk me into at least trying it but have always said no because that's when I play I figured this was a good time...Wish me luck since I am not flexible at all...can barely touch my toes even with all the stretching I do and I HATE floor exercises...It ought to be interesting...

I'm going with Kyra's Mantra "If I get it right today, I will be better off tomorrow"
Funny how she always seems to know just what motivation I need and just when I need it...that's one of the main reasons I read and blog...I truly don't believe a person can keep motivated without some type of help & support, besides why should we try to do it all by ourselves, it sure makes it sooo much easier...Thanks Kyra....


Lady Sue said...

Sarah, are ya doin'? and when are you going to get your blog going again...I miss ya girl?'s all in the planning...I've just decided you have to make it a priority just like I did with the exercising....

Kyra said...

Aww thanks! :) You can do this, you already know that. But you know what? I'm proud of you for taking that month off and being able to enjoy it. I don't think I am at a point where I can do that with myself, though I wish I could.

I think we have the same weight goal in mind :) I slipped a bit and I'm behind you on the scale, but maybe we'll hit it at about the same time! :)

Joy Des Jardins said...

What a plan...I'm tired already. More power to you amaze me with your focus. Good luck...

Suzann said...

Sue - my motivator - have been a bit down in the dumps and not doing my workouts like I should - sooooo no excuses - time to get back to it. Thanks for the motivation - you are focused!!!!!