Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Discipine in eating heathy! Who'd thunk?

I absolutely love it when I read something that sets me off to thinking…Skwigg’s "The Gym Whisperer" did that for me today…she talked about Discipline and I think the part that really hit me was:
“It takes discipline to go to the gym every day. It takes discipline to eat right. People must feel like they have to do those things because they're being punished for something - for being overweight, or having bad genes, or turning forty. Working out and eating right is something they've been sentenced to for not measuring up. That's why they hate it, avoid it, deny it, and weasel out of it.”
This is out of context and you really need to read the whole article to understand just what she is talking about but this is the one part got me REALLY to thinking…that if I use discipline for making myself go to the gym...and believe me this is not punishment for me but something I like and have made it a part of my life…then why can’t I do the same and use discipline to help me in eating right…although I tend to think it’s more training than anything…
I think I did a pretty good job of bringing up The Kid and whenever I’ve had a dog it has always been well trained…so if I take this knowledge I got from those experiences and apply it to my eating it might just work…

I figure you need tools to discipline/train at least I did when bringing up The Kid…let’s see how this can relate to eating right.
1.KNOWLEDGE :I read a lot about how to be a good parent….OK…I’ve collected a lot of cook books and I go on line to find recipes for eating healthy…also I read everything I can get my hands on about how others have learned how to eat healthy...such as most of the blogs on my list.
2.RESTRAINTS: In training a dog to stay by you when walking you use a leash and not let them run wild…OK…so when I go to the grocery store I take a list of foods that I know are good for me and only buy them (this could be considered a leash)..
3.REWARDS: I used rewards for when The Kid & #1 Niece did the right things…such as going to the park to play after behaving when at places other than home…OK…my reward for eating healthy is I feel better about myself and I get to buy new clothes that actually look good on me..
4.PLAN: In training a puppy not to chew…first you put things out of reach that you really don’t want them to chew…So, if I do happen to wimp out and buy something that I know is not on my list (for instance I love trail mix with choc chips in it) then when I get it home I divide it up into serving sizes (this keeps me from doing the mindless eating thing..you know when you open the bag and just keep eating until it’s all gone) then you put it somewhere that isn’t readily available and only eat it on plan as a treat.…
5.ACTION: If the puppy does happen to start chewing on something you don’t want them to have, you take it away from them…saying no, no…and give them something they can have (like a chew toy)….OK so say I have already had my one serving of trail mix and am going for the second…I can always say no and go for the grapes that I have ready…yeah…that might work for me…I love grapes too..

Anyhooo…you see how this works …I could probably go on forever but for now I think this might just work…Not sure if this is really what Skwigg had in mind when she wrote her article but this is where it took me….

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