Friday, October 28, 2005

How old am I really?

I just figured out that I really like playing... it's like I'm trying to make up for lost time. And I finally found someone to play with... Yay!!!!

#2 Niece and I did the Hip Hop class last night... it was fun. I wish I could say I am good at it but alas I still have a long way to go... This is an exercise class not a dance class so don't know what I will do with all these moves I'm learning but you never know it might come in handy if I decide to become a dancer...laugh, laugh!!

I've been hanging out with #2 Niece & her roommate (the Craigman, good looking devil that he is, tall over 6 feet, thin and has long hair down to the middle of his back, too bad he's so young) alot lately. They are both in their 20's and have a lot of energy but I'm doing my best to keep up with them.. They are teaching me how to play hackysack... good for co-ordination and can be done anywhere... Tonight after the gym/racquetball we are going to the haunted house NEVERWORLD to be scared out of our wits.. I can never get anyone to go with me but now I have some playmates that dig the same things I do... WOW...

I think #2 Niece was surprized when I called her to see if they wanted to go with me tonight... She said she had been wanting to go. I could tell she was surprized by the way she sounded that I would want to do such a thing....It sounds like fun to me... I can't wait to try my scary laugh on them...teeheheh

Hanging out with these guys makes me feel so young.. I suppose one day I will have to act my age...but I'm not going to rush into it... I did that for too many years... part of it is being fit enuff to do things... I'm not afraid of what people will say when they see this "old" lady doing things that normally only "young" people do.. I just don't care because I AM HAVING FUN!!!

Tomorrow night we (this includes #1 Niece, The Kid, their hubbies, # 2 niece, The Craigman & me) are all going to a Halloween Party... Costumes and all.. the only ones I know what they are going as is #2 Niece & me...we both bought fake boobies for our costumes...ROTFLMAO...I am going as a "Nasty" Witch and she is going as Jessica Rabbit... I can't wait to see how we look... It ought to be a blast...

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