Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Music to my ears!!

Last night at the gym in the locker room while getting dressed to work out I was talking with two women who were changing into thier swimsuits for the water aerobics class. We were talking about our struggles to lose both of these women are on the large size, probably the size I was three years ago...One of them said to me "If I was as Skinny as you I won't have to worry any more" skinny? No way....but then compared to them I am...I have said those words to others soooo many time but I never thought I would ever hear them in regards to myself....of course I said to her "No way am I skinny" thinking of those anorexic models..but then I realized that skinny could mean anything weighing less than the person speaking...and in that case I am "SKINNY" at least skinnier than some people and this wasn't always true...

It felt good to think that someone actually sees me not as a "fat person" and when I looked in the mirror I saw me standing next to both of these women and damn if I didn't look skinny....
or at least normal size...

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