Friday, August 18, 2006

Dang it hurts!!!

Last night at the gym after I did my stretching upstairs (which is VERY hot because the gym has decided for some odd reason to take away our fans which would at least cool off some of the sweat, this is where all of the cario machines I ask you does this make any sense???) I did abs and while on the tower doing knee lifts I slipped off (my arms were way tooo sweaty altho I had wiped them down before I got on the tower) and hit my right upper arm on the bar HARD....I knew it hurt ALOT but got back on and finished all of my sets...went on and did a back work out before going to the Hip Hop class...Today there is a BIG bruise where I hit..I measured it and it measures at 4" across and 2" down..this thing wraps around my whole upper arm and is really ugly...I think its even swollen...can't tell if it is or if that is just muscle but it definately looks differant from the left arm... I don't want to go ask anyone if it looks swollen to them because then it will look like I'm asking for attention about my bruise...It's one of those DEEP & blue right now but you know it's eventually going to turn green...gross...

I used to bruise real easy (especially my legs & butt) but not any more..I'm convinced it's all about how you eat...but some times TRAUMA to an area will bruise...I didn't think it was going to bruise because when I went home it was a little red but no bruise...I almost wish I could take a picture so I could post it here...
What is it with people and their WAR Wounds????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know you want to show it off so everyone will gasp and wince and suck their breath in through their teeth real quick. Come on, it's me here, you know you want to.