Tuesday, August 01, 2006


The dictionary says dilemma... A predicament that apparently defies a satisfactory solution....

Well that's exactly where I am with Gene, the combover guy that Esther & I went out with Sunday before last...he's emailed me a couple of times and called at night, we've talked...He really is a nice guy..I've TRIED to keep it friendly but not suggestive...I really won't mind JuST being freinds with him..but I haven't actually told him that I'm not interested in him romantically..He wanted to do something together last weekend and I made my excuses..he accepted it with no problem..but now he has asked me to spend the weekend at the beach in SC with him..He stated that his house (which is in a gated community) has several bedrooms and he does not expect me to share his (unless I wanted to)..Now the dilemma is because I really would like to go to the beach and be treated like a queen (which I know he will do) but I just wish it was with someone else..How mean is that?

I don't get the opportunity to go to the beach EVER..I have no monies this year to do it on my own and if I don't take this opportunity I'll probably won't get another one... but it just isn't right to use a guy like that..but then we all know how Shallow I am!!!

Anyhoo..I asked Gene to give me today to think about it and I will give him an answer by tomorrow.


Shelly said...

Hmmmm.....a tough one, definitely a dilemma. You could be honest with him, tell him that you would love to spend the weekend with him as "friends" but at this point you realize you are not ready for anything more serious. But that would still leave the door open, because friends have been known to become lovers!

Lady Sue said...

Good advise...thanks...
I've decided to do this and be up front with him...I think it will be alright with him...I'll let you know how it goes...