Monday, August 07, 2006

Expectations & Reflections

I had the nicest time at the beach!!! I am so glad I decided to go, it was a good decision for me...
I met G at the Marta station at 7 am and he entertained me with many stories about his travels on the 5 hr drive to the beach...I think one of the things I really like about him is that he doesn't brag or doesn't try to impress a person with what he has done..(Just in case you were wondering, he didn't smell but I was prepared with lots of perfume just in case...I think that was one of the biggest worries I had) and he has traveled so much for his job...Some of the stories were about his time in England, the Netherlands, Scotland, Peru, France and so many more I can't even remember. His stories were very interesting to me and he has a good sense of humor which he inserts into his stories...

I like the beach house. It's a very relaxing place...After he showed me the house, I chose the Blue Bedroom to put my suitcase in. You could tell he was disappointed that I didn't chose the master bed room where he put his suitcase, but he handled it well by making a joke of it...this set the tune of the weekend..we would joke around about his expectations but there was never any pressure for me to change my mind...oh he tried (he is a guy after all) by kissing me but I never felt the time was right to take it any further and he respected we just enjoyed ourselves by doing other things. We didn't ride the bikes, it was pretty hot and G doesn't like to stay in the sun for too long (he had a little bout of skin cancer a few years ago so tries not to get too much sun) During the heat of the day we ended up taking a nap, he in the chair in the living room (I think the drive took a lot out of him besides getting up early for the drive) and me in the blue bedroom where I rested awhile then took my book out on the back patio and read. After the naps, we took a drive around the island and he showed me all of the sights. One of the interesting things is all of the deer that roam free there, they are soo small and tame. Then we went back to the house and ate dinner. We had stopped at Publix on our way and bought spinach salad makings & bourbon soaked salmon. Niether one of us were impressed with the salmon, we would have been better off with a nice Salmon Steak, but since neither one of us had tried Bourbon Salmon before we dicided we needed to at least try it..After dinner we walked down to the club house where they had a band playing and sat on the beach and listened to the music and watched the was nice and relaxing. We got back to the house around midnight and I said goodnight and went to bed (by myself)...

I got up early before sunrise (G was still sleeping) and went down to the beach. His house is real close to the beach but not on it. It was high tide so I walked as far as I could west thru the waves on the beach and when I turned around to walk back the sun was coming up over the was so cool to see...I was wearing a net cover up over a bikini top and shorts and had only planned on walking but one of my fantasies has always been to run on the beach (like you see in the movies).. so I took my cover up off and ran. The breeze against my bare tummy felt so good and running thru the waves that came up was harder than it looks but felt so good on my feet...I felt so free running. I ran down until I started to come to people down by the club house, up to that time it was just me and the waves. Then I walked back to G's part of the beach and while walking I started to reflect about how I've changed.

I've always been pretty loose with my morals, being a child of the sixty didn't help, I was always a believer in free sex, never felt I had the right to say "NO" to a guy, that if I said "No" they won't like me or even worse they would be mad at me so at one time in my life (before Larry) I slept around alot with guys that didn't want me for anything but sex, didn't respect me or even liked me even tho I gave them what I thought they wanted...I guess you could say I have finally grown up But now there is a resistance in me to take a relationship to that step until I am ready and it feels totally right for me. I take pride in the fact that I respect myself enuff now to not just give in to the basic needs of the body but to expect more of myself and if a guy can't understand that then he's not a person I want in my life.

Later after G got up, we both put on our swim suits and went and played in the ocean for a little while.. then went back to the house and while he did some chores he needed to do...I took a shower in the outside shower and got myself all prettied up for the ride back, then took my book and just relaxed on the deck...We both need to get back to Atlanta early, he to pick up his daughters at the airport (they had been at a wedding in NJ) and I had plans to go over to a friend who just got back from a we left around noon and had a pleasant drive back. We did stop in Macon to eat at a real Greek place that G knew of and I tried some Greek food that he recommended, I couldn't tell you the name of the food but I liked it...

Sooo G may not have the best body to look at (remember the duck walk/feet and the fact that he's short and dumpy)but I do think he has a very handsome face, pretty eyes, a great smile and a great sense of humor...but most importantly he's a really nice guy who seems to be grown up enuff to understand where I am right now.
We joked about how to top this second date..We are both pretty busy, he with his work, just buying a new house and getting his daughter ready to leave for college in NY with my gym, hikes and 10k's but I think there will probably be another date in the future...

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