Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Did you ever do something and then beat yourself up for it afterwards?

Well, that's me today...I can't help but think about an incident that happened at the gym last night while I was working out...Now let me tell you that I REALLY hate it when some skinny ass broad comes over to me and tells me that I'm not doing something right...I don't mind if one of the guys comes over to help me with my form or to give me suggestions (not that I listen to them much)...but damn it those skinny broads really bug me...I mean after all I have been working out with weights for over 2 years now...I think I JUST might know what I'm doing and if I don't then I will ask someone (and not one of those skinny ass broads)..hey that felt good to get it out of my knowing how I feel about unsolictated help....I was on the bench doing crunches & abs and next to me was this skinny ass broad who was doing abs also, after she was done, her friend (who was more heavyset than not)got on the bench and was trying to do the same sets (you could tell that she really didn't know what she was doing). The skinny ass broad starts in how she was doing her crunches all wrong (and she was but I just didn't like how snoooty the skinny broad was telling her, like she couldn't do anything right...), first off this skinny broad had her holding a 10 pound weight and she was really struggling to do even one crunch and was pulling with her head and shoulders...I couldn't stand watching her and instead of getting up and leaving (like I knew I should have) I suggested that she try to do it without the weight and to work on her form first and when she got to where she could do so many crunches then she could add the weight...The Skinny broad gave me a look that would burned a lesser woman...I went back to doing my workout but I could hear the skinny broad muttering to herself how some people didn't know how to mind their own business...

I guess my problem is I've been where the heavyset gal is..and I know how easy it is to get discouraged when you can't do what others are doing...I see so many heavyset people come into the gym and start off trying to do what someone who has been doing it for awhile does...and then you don't ever see them again...I was really lucky in that my trainer started me off slow and we worked on form, then added weights. I see the differance in what I can do now from how I was 2 years ago...I still refuse to be in competetion with doesn't matter to me if some skinny broad can do 50 squats holding a 40 pound barbell....I know what I am capable of doing and I do it...
Anyhoooo...I really must learn to keep my mouth shut and not give out unsolicated help...I'm sure this gal would have been alright if I hadn't said's just bugs me to see someone struggle...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did the right thing. I wouldn't beat myself up over that.