Monday, July 10, 2006

How life changes....

Yesterday while on our run I was telling #1 Niece how busy I am now... what with the gym, hiking, going to the movies with friends...etc it seems like I'm always doing something and she reminded me of my post a couple of months ago when I (Moanin' Mona)was complaining bout how I have no friends..(April 17...Looking Back) ...Well, I realized that I made up my mind and I changed that...I quit feeling sorry for myself and went out a did something about it... I joined FunHikes...finally accepted an invitation from one of the girls at the gym..which has lead to making more new freinds and many new adventures..such as the Jazz Festivals, brunches, BBQ's, parties and even going to the movies like I did this past weekend...took the chance and actually met a couple of guys from the on line dating...ok so those haven't went over too good but at least I did it.. and i feel pretty good about myself...

I know if I REALLY put my mind to something I can DO it..
This past weekend I went with my friend Lamont to see Pirates of was a good movie..Lamont is JUST a friend...I met him thru the group that goes to the Jazz festivals..he's young enuff to be my son and we have an understanding that we are just friends. I'm not his type and he's not mine but we have fun together..
Then Saturday I went on a hike with the fun hikes group and a couple of friends from the gym went with of them ("T") has been struggling with her weight for some time and she said this is just what she needed to get motivated again. Then yesterday after my run with #1 Niece I met some girlfriends at Bahama Breeze for drinks & dessert...This group of friends I have made in the last couple of months are all pretty much singles and always has something going on...and if there isn't a planned something then all I have to do is call one of them up and we'll think of something to do...I haven't had this type of life in a LONG's fun...I never realized how much I was missing out on life. There is sooo much out there that I haven't done..And the best part is I'm having the Best Time of my Life..even with the misadventures of dating...


Suzann said...

Good for you Sue - setting goals and meeting them - whether fitness, social life, etc is so empowering and leads to more positive change. I just love keeping up with your positive outlook. Take care.

Joy Des Jardins said...

It all sounds wonderful Sue...and you sound so happy. What else could possibly matter? I couldn't be happier for you.