Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I've come to the conclusion there aren't enough days in the week for me.

I've been reading that all the experts say that I need a day of rest from exercise one day a week to give my body a chance to recoup...but then they also say that I should also take a week off once every 6 to 8 weeks (no way is that going to happen) but if I could just figure out how to add a day to the week I might consider giving it a consideration...

I go to the gym straight from work everyday...My schedule is 1-2 hrs of racquetball on Monday, Weds, Friday & Saturday. I run at the park on Sunday. Tuesday is my serious day working out with weights for my arms & chest (this is my day for bench pressing) and doing some type of cardio (I try to alternate between the tm, eliptical or bike)at the gym from 5:30 - 7 pm. Thurs I work with weights from 5:30 pm until my Hip Hop Class at 8 pm. Hip Hop is for an hour. In this time I take at least 15-20 mins to do stretching exercises. I love stretching, it feels soooo good. On the days I play racquetball I usually have about an hour before to do some type of weight workout so try to alternate between legs & back. And on Saturday after racquetball I work on anything that I feel I didn't push myself on enough during the week...All this and I've added 20 mins in the morning for abs at home. I wonder why I feel tired today...

I do treat myself with the Hot Tub on Saturday after working out and feel that my rest day is Sunday since I don't go to the gym (so what if I run 3-6 miles, it not a workout right?)....shouldn't that be enough for my body to recoup but NOOOOO, I'm told that I need a full day of NO exercise at all...Not sure I agree with this but it does seem like my body is getting more tired faster lately (I've been going at this pace for about 2 years with a day of rest maybe one day every couple of weeks when I get to feeling to tired to go on)and then too I have to figure in my old age..LOL....

There isn't a day that I want to miss my workout , racquetball or running. I really do enjoy each one (otherwise I wouldn't be doing it). So I'm thinking if I could just add a day maybe after Sunday.... I could call it Suesday...

This might be a good thing all around because of course I wouldn't have to work this day and I could just absolutely veg all day...

But seriously, I know that I am running a risk of injury by pushing myself too much but every time I think about taking a day of rest I convince myself that I don't want to miss out on that good feeling I get from working my body to the max... Oh No I've become OBSESSIVE....

All this because I'm fighting with EE & MM about not going to the gym tonight but going straight home from work to finish reading the book I'm reading and working on my puzzle. The last time I took a day off was last Tues when I was sick and have been pushing myself extra since to make up taking that day off. I guess we won't know who wins until I get in the car after work.

1 comment:

PartTimeMom said...

Repeat after me...

Rest is Good

I know that you know all the reasons why so I won't repeat them, but...

Rest is Good ;)