Sunday, November 27, 2005


When I was in the Hot Tub at the gym yesterday I got to thinking about all of my fears... I have had a lot of them through my life. I got to listing all of them in my head and thinking how I've conquered some of them and still have some to either conquer or learn to live with. I hate the feeling of being afraid.

I think one of my major fears in life has always been that I would end up alone without anyone to love me...Well, here I am alone but I don't feel that I am not loved.. I have my family and altho they don't live with me, they are within easy reach whenever I need them... Also I have my memories of Larry and the knowledge that he truly did love me and I really can't imagine loving someone else as much as I loved him. He truly was my soul mate, my other half, my best freind in life. Even tho I miss him more than words can say, I make it through each day without him...being by myself is hard at times but I do it because I don't have any other choice... I guess that is the thing with Fears.. you can't let them rule you.

I have always had a fear of much that for years I won't even think about getting into a swimming pool. I think some of it stems back from when I was young (doesn't everything?) and the fact that I had to take my glasses off to get in the pool... now I hated not being able to see and I also hated getting my face wet..I know weird but that's still something I have to conquer..After a year I am now comfortable in the hot tub. So I was thinking maybe the way to conquer fear is take it slow and just get accustomed to something.. So I got in the pool and walked to the 4 1/2 feet (holding on to the side)the water went up to my chin and it wasn't too bad, altho I did have a few flutters in the stomach, so I went back and did it again without holding, scary but I survived, so I did it 3 more times... I kept telling my self that this is just another way of exercising... Don't know if I will keep doing this every weekend but it might be worth the effort...

Another fear (and I think I've actually conquered this one over the last couple of years) has to do with being FAT and what people think of me and for this reason I advoided putting on a swim suit.. I hated the way my body looked... well losing 60 pounds helped this but I still have a roll around my middle and know that I have a ways to go before I will look good (or what I consider good) in a swim suit but I don't let this stop me anymore...what people think can't hurt me physically and the only way it can hurt me mentally is if I let it...It took a while to learn this but I'm comfortable with myself enough now to not let what people think bother me...I am who I am and if they don't like how I look then they don't have to look at me... at least that is how I'm feeling right now...tomorrow who knows?

As I mentioned I have many fears, more than I want to go into right now, but one fear that I don't want to conquer is the Fear of gaining back all of my weight... this fear keeps me eating right and exercising daily...


Rachel said...

Good for you! Losing weight and overcoming your fears! I have the fear of water thing too. I can swim but I never liked for my head to go under the water. I could never hold my breath and all that stuff, so I fear I'll drown if my head goes under. I don't like the water in my ears either.
I used to be scared of bugs and I have overcome that one really well!

Your walking in the water without holding on might work. I think I'd keep doing it to see! Good luck!

PartTimeMom said...

what a great post - it sounds like you've got an excelent attitude.