Friday, December 23, 2005

Moderate Comments

It's not that I don't want your comments....I DO I DO, it's just that I'm trying to find a way to do away with those ones that are a know the ones that are trying to drum up business... I don't mind anonymous comments if it has to do with my post...That's why I've decided to try the Moderate Comments on this blog...Just to let you know the only ones I will reject are the ones that are trying to drum up business... I don't care if you agree with me on a subject or not..everyone is entitled to their opinion...

anyhoo...I'm going to try this for a week or two to see if it is really necessary and to see if it works... I know it's nice to see a comment right away on a blog so I will try to review them and post them asap....
Thanks for your patience.


PartTimeMom said...

If you look at your blog settings - there is an option to turn on word verification - that usually stops the 'comment spammers'


Lady Sue said...

Thanks, I saw that on there and have also used it when I made comments on other blogs but since I wasn't sure how it really worked I thought I would try the "moderate comments" first...