Sunday, April 15, 2007

Same day..just a couple of hours later

I did it....I step on that scale (I told you I was going to work on it) hurt but I survived....Was I shocked at what it said? Not really...I think that I knew in my mind and heart that it wasn't going to be good....I could tell when I put my pants on and that roll of fat acted like silly make it skinny at the bottom but it hangs out all over the top...yep that's me....

The scale read 185.6 at 7 am what am I going to do about it? Well, I will tell you this I'm not going to procrasinate or advoid it any Siree...because I've got
The PLAN...and A Goal....

The Plan....I'm not going to diet and I'm not going to let the scale run my life (it's a tool to motivate me not to live by)...I've been doing this for 4 years now and I know what I should be eating and what I shouldn't (notice I didn't say can't) be back to the basics..time to clean the house of all the junk that I don't need...that mostly means the sugars that I started back on a couple of months ago....I know a little sugar won't hurt me..but I don't (notice I didn' t say can't) stop at just a for this next couple of weeks....I'm cutting back on anything with sugar...It's a start...Carbs are my culprit...and altho a body does need some carbs...I've been doing the wrong I'll work on that too...more fruit & veggies (which I like so that won't be hard) and I really need to work on eating more protein....

MY to get to 179 by the time we open the gym on May 1st...this is doable if I work at it that's only 6.5 lbs in two weeks.... now I know that a person is only suppose to lose 1-2 lbs a week...and I'll go to that after I lose this first 6.5 lbs..I haven't been drinking enuff water lately and I'm hoping by upping that I will lose some of the water weight (I hope some of this is water weight and not all just flabby fat).

Exercise....exercise and more exercise....I've been lax in that area lately too...I will find time to start running again....just not sure can't be that hard....just have to DO IT...

Got to run & drink my protein drink & take my daily supplements (something I started back doing last week) then get dressed and go to work...Today is a NEW DAY for me and It's going to be a GREAT DAY!!!

1 comment:

Suzann said...

go go Sue ====== you are an inspiration. You can do anything you put your mind and spirit to - you have already proven than. :)