Monday, December 11, 2006

Would you date Santa?

Last night I was strolling around in mySpace...just looking at the guys...what better thing to do on a Sunday night...when all of a sudden a picture of Santa popped up....yep...he's the Southern Santa...and he is a professional Santa...has his own website and
He's been divorced for 5 years and just bought a Harley...For some reason...I think he would be a HOOT to know...I mean after all....He's SANTA...and who hasn't had a fantasy about truly knowing Santa...OK, OK...truthfully I have never really thought about it ...but now I am....I emailed him...lets see if he actually contacts me back....oh I know he's busy at this time of the year what with it being Christmas and all.....but maybe after the first of the year....hmmmm.

Wonder what Santa would give me if I was a REALLY REALLY good girl?....evil laugh here....

1 comment:

Paige said...

Without a doubt, I would date Santa--well if I was in his age bracket....I'm 25, so we don't want Santa to look like a perv to them Southern Elves and all.... That would be sooooo awesome. Let us know if he becomes a buddy of yours!