Thursday, December 07, 2006


So I basically knew that my eating has been out of control this past month and altho I've been going to the gym and doing all this hiking... my exercise really hasn't been what I know it needs to be....this fact came to me last night as I half heartly did some work out for my back at the gym before playing racquetball....I went to do pull ups and couldn't do them at the weights I had previously been doing fact I barely could do them at all...I felt like I was wearing a loaded backpack on my back....I knew then that I had gained some weight back could I not...the way I've been eating....LOTS of carbs....and not the good carbs...sugar..sugar... and more sugar...(my downfall)..not much protien..sure I've been eating the Zone Perfect bars....I love the Fudge Graham ones..and they say they have 16g of protein, 19 vitamins & minerals and it's all natural...but if you look at the nutrition facts it also will tell you that it has 14 g of 210 calories for one bar...which is probably alright when a person only eats one occasionally...but not me I've been eating them like candy bars...and I haven't been doing my protein drink with my supplements/vitamins in the morning regularly...and boy can I tell... I've been avoiding weighing myself on the scale..I guess in my mind I KNEW I was gaining weight back but I kept telling myself that since I wasn't eating at McDee's or eating potato chips or all that junk that I used to that it won't hurt me and I've been getting lots of exercise on my backpacking trips...OK lets face it I WAS LYING to myself....I got on the scale this morning and I weigh 178.8 pounds...Guys, THIS IS NOT GOOD.....
Now I've been doing this long enuff to know what I need to be doing...I need my fresh veggies and FRESH fruit (which I love but for some reason haven't been eating lately) ..I need to get back to eating on a regular schedule..NO MORE OF THIS SNACKING ALL DAY LONG on junk that is all more peanut butter/honey wraps...Time to start tracking EXACTLY what I am putting in my mouth...I'm not going to worry about recording calories because that always gives me a headache...but I'll keep it in the back of my mind..after all I've done this long enuff that I have a good idea how many calories I'm actually putting in my This is me starting all over again....I WILL lose this extra weight that I've put on and get back to feeling good about myself...I'm still working on my ESSAYs that I need for my Personal Trainer Certification...that's going to be my motivation for getting back on track to getting and keeping fit...after all how can I be a PT if I'm so out of shape that I can't do the workouts?...besides that I know that when I eat healthy I feel so much better...not draggy...I should do a ESSAY on how eating effects your mental status....LOL

AND drinking water....why is it so hard for me to get my daily water in lately?...I'm lucky if I drink 48 oz in a day's not like I don't like water because I do....and I know that's why I've been having leg/feet's such an easy solution..drink my water and take my Triflex supplements daily...A NO why haven't I been doing it?...I can tell you that Depression is NOT can defeat everything that I have worked for this past 3 years and DAMMIT...I'm not having any more of it.....

So anyway...I got up early this morning, made my bed, washed my face and put on my makeup (dammit I need to look good for what if no one see's me)...actually got dressed (no more of this hanging around the house half the day before getting dressed), cleaned up my bedroom, picked up the living room (I've become such a slob lately) gave Rover & Spot their bath, fixed my protein drink, took my supplements (this all only took about a half hour of my morning) & came here checked the job situtation (nothing in todays bunch that I am qualified for but I'll keep looking).

On a positive NOTE....I DID GO to the DOL yesterday afternoon and applied for takes 5 weeks before you get any monies but at least it is a positive step for the meanwhile I will keep looking for a JOB....

I will have a GOOD DAY..

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