Thursday, September 14, 2006

Marley & Me

I've just added John Grogan's blog to my links. I read his book "Marley & Me" last week, which is about his dog Marley and all the crazy things he did (I totally recommend it to anyone who has ever had a dog or even if you just like dogs) I loved this book!!! took a one whole Sunday afternoon...I laughed, I cried, it brought back such memories of every dog I have ever called my own...made me think of The Kid's dog "Jake" who after having him since he was a puppy she had to have him put to sleep this year...
So after I finished I gave it to The Kid to read...she just finished it today (on her lunch hour) and called me (and yes she bawled her eyes out but is a fan now too)...she googled Marley & Me and found out that there is a whole web site and on this web site there are pictures...which are way tooo cute and John's blog...
Reading his last blog brought to mind some of Kyra's experiences with her chickens and Skwigg's experiences with Riley...After reading this book you'll want to just go out a get a puppy... I even gave it a thought before I came to my senses....but eventually when I settle down I know that I will get an ole yeller dawg...something I've always wanted...

1 comment:

Joy Des Jardins said...

What's stopping you from getting that 'ol yeller dawg Sue? Sure sounds like he'd have a good home with you. You 'ol softy...