Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I've been soooo busy.....

My life is in a spin but I still have it all under control....

I've been going to places and doing things that I've just dreamed about this past month..From going downtown Atlanta to ritzy hotels & museums... to camping/backpacking in the mountains...not to forget the Medievel Times where I got to see boys in tights ride beautiful horses and fight each other with swords...how coool is that.. I did the overnight thing at the zoo where we watch a spotted lion through infra red googles at night (plus some other animals too) ...it was fun ...I've been hangin' out with the gang at a sports bar on Sunday night watching NFL football (something I haven't done in 5 years)...one Friday night I went to a bar with a couple of friends from the gym and listened to hard rock N roll (with long hair guys in tight leather pants...whooohooo)...and then the next night I went to a fancy dress birthday party for another freind who turned 50... Even with all of this fun I still find time to go to the gym pretty much everyday....

I've put the dating thing on hold for awhile...still talking with Gene by phone but no spark there so doubt if I will go out with him again...haven't had time to check my online dating service...who know someone may just be out there waiting for me (NOT!!!)...

What's next? I'm going WhiteWater Rafting for the first time in my life this Saturday...and have another backpacking/camping trip planned the next Weekend...I have a Halloween costume party to go to soon..I've already figured out my costume but can't tell you because then it won't be a surprize for #1 Niece... and I think somewhere in there I'm supposed to go to another party that my x personal trainer has every year..that one we are supposed to go as an entertainer and I have no idea who to go as...

Other news is that I have a job interview tomorrow....I wasn't really looking for a new job but have come to the conclusion that this job isn't paying me enuff monies so I can do all the extra things I want...my yearly reveiw came and went again without a raise due to a company wide freeze but I have been given more responsiblities so when one of the guys at the gym mentioned that they were looking for a dispatcher for his company I decided to try for it....It may be a big mistake but I won't know until I do it...If they will meet the salary that I want then I will accept it, that is if they want me...who knows they may take on look at me and say "NO WAY" ...
Won't know until I try...

If I do get the new job I will have to invest in getting a new computer at home that way I can keep up with all my favorite blogs (which I haven't been able to do to much lately)...
I'm staying in for lunch today because my fuel pump went out in the truck yesterday and I'm borrowing one of The Kids truck until it gets fixed. It's a really nice truck I don't want to eat in it...I hate not getting out of the office for awhile but that's life....besides it gives me time to catch up...

Whew...I get tired just reading all of this....


Anonymous said...

You can eat in the truck. I don't think it will hurt anything. Get out of the office. That makes for way too long of a day!

Joy Des Jardins said...

All I can say is...good for you Sue. Sounds like you're really enjoying your new hectic pace. It's probably VERY good for you in more ways than one. Unless you totally collapse, I see no reason to omit anything...go for it!