Friday, October 27, 2006

Bored! Bored!! Bored!!!!

For gawds sake what do people do when they stay at home??????

Yesterday was my last day at my job..I'll start the new one on Monday...and last night at the gym I decided that I was just plain wore out...I had no energy for Hip Hop or working out so thought it might be a good idea to just take the day off today...maybe just take a run in the morning at the park and then take it easy the rest of the day....

Well I woke up early this morning to the sound of rain so covered my head with the blanket and went back to sleep until 8 am...this is late for me...looked out the window and saw that it was still raining and didn't look like it was going to clear up anytime much for the run..not going to got out of bed...and cleaned up the bedroom...did some laundry...unloaded the boxes of stuff I bought home from the's amazing how much junk a person can take to the office over the period of three years..plants, dishes,cups, food?, personal papers & pictures...I had to figure out where to put the fake plants (one big tree) that I had in my NO Windows office..I know I probably should have left them at the office but since I know they are just going to load everything up and store it at Corp in TN..I didn't want to do that...I even have a black kitty cat clock that was at my office..who knows what I was thinking when I bought that thing...It certainly doesn't fit in anywhere here at home but since it is Halloween I put it on the bookshelf in the livingroom until I can figure out if I can take it to my new office..which will be a fraction of the size I just left...besides that I will be sharing an office with 2 other guys whereas My old office was a very large office (it once held 4 cubicles) I had all to myself...anyhoooo after I figured out what to do with everything I then settled down on the couch to finish my Suzanne Brockman then it was lunch time and I decided I was sick of my own company so called #1 niece to see if she and The Boy would like to go to lunch...The Boy had Spanish class later and she didn't want to go out but invited me over for Hummus & Flat how could I pass up Hummus..I freakin' luv the stuff I got myself into the truck and headed over there..but halfway there I decided what I really wanted was some Mushroom Soup...well I happen to know that Campbell Select makes this really good Mushoom soup in a box...nothing to I went to WalMart to pick up a couple of boxes...and of Course they didn't have any..they had the Butternut Golden Squash and the Southwestern Corn soup in the boxes but NO Mushroom...I decided that The Boy probably won't like either one of those but saw a can of Mushroom Raviolli with Vegetables that I thought he might like so picked up a couple of cans of those (which by the way ended up having meat in it...that will teach me not to read the ingredients, but The Boy liked the ravoli and gave me me his veggies so it all worked out) and then I saw these Halloween sugary desserts in ice cream cones, and figuring that I hardly ever get to spoil The Boy and Lil MiniMeme I picked up a package of 4 (they ended up being cupcakes with lots of orange colored frosting, The Boy really liked them..I didn't have any)...and just for the heck of it I picked up these really cute lil stuffed toys (a ghost and what I think was a pumpkin boy) that was holding a box of candies..I figured if I was going to spoil them I might as well go all the way...then with my bags went to #1 Nieces...she just lives down the road from me..but it seems like Forever since I've seen her or the kids..
Got there and we had a nice visit..#2 neice even showed up..she is staying with #1 nieces garage (which has a whole upstairs that fancier than my house, that's where she home schools The Boy...) and Jack (#1 nieces Husband) came for a few minutes (I think just to check out my new tattoo)...
I then took myself back home and wondered around a little trying to decided what people do when they stay home...turned on the tv to Rachel Ray's Show...watched the good looking fix it guy bending over and getting a ring out of the trap of a sink...nice ass this man fact he was damn good looking...Decided it was the kind of day to have a fire in my fire place (which was a mistake because it warmed up my house way to much and now i'm sitting here in front of the computer in just my undies..I know TMI)....found a couple of magazines I hadn't had time to look at curled up with the tv on and read..then Dr. Phil came on...story about some people in New Orleans who got ripped off by a contractor...decided that if I'm going to watch Dr Phil I needed to have some popcorn..luckily I have the individual bags so it only made one bowl full..but it's been a long time since I've had popcorn...
After Dr Phil there really wasn't anything on TV so came here and checked my emails...Went to MySpace and saw that I had a new mail from a new guy SAM...he's 59 and lives close by..travels alot...decided to respond to him so left him a message...that's how bored I am...I know, I know ....I said I wasn't going to do the on line thing anymore but who knows he MIGHT be nice...
Now it's 8:00 and I still have the whole night ahead of me..I'm thinking about pulling out the ironing board (if I can remember where I put it lOL) and press some dress pants for next week. The new job is in a warehouse and I won't be able to wear my 4" heels or skirts (at least right away..I'm thinking to break this company in slowly and hoping my spring I'll be able to wear my heels again) so I drug out some dress pants I bought but haven't wore much because they need pressed...(that should take about 10 mins) and then who knows what else I will do...
Good thing I have plans for tomorrow or I would go crazy...
I'm heading to the gym in the morning (YAY...I'm having withdrawal pains) and then getting my hair colored and fixed..then going out to a Bluegrass Bar with a girlfriend from the gym...I normally go to some friends for a costume party this time of the year but decided I'm just not into it this year....
Don't have any plans for Sunday yet...but I bet I'll find some real quick because 1 day staying at home is enuff for me....
Good thing I've got plans for the next couple of weekends...Going to SC to see my friends Conry & Paula next weekend and then I've got the Backpacking/camping trip up near Gatlinburg TN the weekend after that..and you can bet your britches I will find something else on the rest of the month..

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