Friday, November 03, 2006

Pity Party

Ok so it's a small party Me, Myself and I are the only ones here and I can't say we are having any fun...I don't know how people can stand sitting around and feeling sorry for themself for any period of time...I hate it... and I'm not going to do it any longer...So I got knocked down...Well, I refuse to stay down...Somewhere out there is the perfect job just waiting for me...this one certainly wasn't meant to be for me...I believe in the old saying....Things happen for a reason...
I'm so lucky in so many ways..I have good freinds, a family that cares for me, my health and I don't have a lot of car payment...keep your fingers crossed my truck keeps running...a low house payment (and ya'll know how much I love my house) food to last me for awhile....a nice warm coat for the winter.....and if it all goes to hell and I do happen to lose everything I still have my tent and sleeping bag LOL....

I've weathered hard times before and I always land on my feet...

Today would have been Jason's (my son who died when he was 7 yrs old) 35th birthday....I have felt over the years that he was watching out for me...I still do so I know deep inside me that nothing bad will really truly happen to me.

Last night I went to the gym and played racquetball and then worked out with the weights until the gym closed...I felt so much better ...and tonight I went a did Hip Hop...I just have to get this body to moving and get away from the food in the house....
I have this ache in my middle that I keep trying to make better by eating and I know that is not the answer.....luckily I don't have a bunch of junk food here but you can still overeat on healthy foods......right now I'm eating pumpkin seeds that Jack (#1 Niece's husband) gave me from the 3 pumpkins they carved this year.. I roasted them up today and have been nibbling on them since I got home from the gym ...I guess that is better than the popcorn I was thinking about fixing....

My mind is still in a funk and I can't seem to focus on what to do next...#1 Niece told me tonight that it was ok to take a couple of days for myself to figure it out...but my mind keeps telling me I should be doing something...

I'm going to SC to see my friend Conry Saturday and Sunday...he's the one that reminds me so much of Larry..and he always makes me feel when I come back (I can't stay too long because I have to be here to feed Rover & Spot, my fish) I will get serious about looking and seeing what is out there for me....

Which reminds me I have to go give Rover & Spot their bath...there bowl is looking a little murky and just because I'm in a funk shouldn't mean that they have to suffer for it....What kind of pet owner would that make me???


Suzann said...

Sue - thinking of you --- my friend let me know how you are doing. I am home now and have been thinking of you this week. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Sue - I just caught up with your blog.

I am so sorry to hear about your awful job experience - they've lost a wonderful employee! Good luck in your interview tomorrow (or is it today) and I hope you find a job you enjoy very quickly.


Sarah x