Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What Happened?

I see that my post on my manager didn't get published....well, he's still a "dick" so I'm posting it now.... note....VP never did get back with me...probably a good thing....

I've been sick with what I thought at first was allergies but I think it's turned into something else now..(I've got a congested chest, runny nose & yesterday I had diahrrea, in other words I'm just plain sick..yech..I hate it). I did come home yesterday and rested...I still feel like sh*t but since I don't have sick leave and I need the monies I'm dragging myself off to work this morning....I work till 8 tonight and I usually go to the gym for my workout with weights but I think I will probably pass on that tonight...

My weight isn't good...still struggling to lose the 15 pounds I gained when I wasn't working...my hours are so weird that I can't seem to get on a schedule with my foods or my exercise...hopefully when the gym actually gets open (at the end of April) I will be able to get myself under control..

My social life is as busy as possible working around my work schedule...but NO dating right now...I'm pretty much giving it up..too much work and to many dissapointments......I did go out a couple of weekends ago with some friends from my hiking/backpacking group...we had a blast. And I'm going to a party this weekend with the same group....no one special just a fun group...and on the 6th I'm going to a Jazz Festival with my old crowd that I just haven't had time for lately...

Just had a big coughing fit so now my chest hurts like hell....shit...why can't I have someone to take care of me....Moaning Mona

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