Friday, January 19, 2007

3rd day on the new job!!!

Well..the good news is I made it past the 2nd day...(unlike the last job...LOL) and I really like it..I've got a lot to learn but the guys I'm working with are all so nice.

I'm working with 6 guys..all under the age of how could a girl complain about that...the good thing is 4 of them work out at the gym...a couple are Personal Trainers but only one of those works out the the gym...he is going to help me tweak my program and spot me to make sure that my form is right...Now how nice is that....
Funny thing happened yesterday...Adam is the youngest salesman (he's in his early 20's) and really hadn't said much to me until we (the group) were talking about the gym...he mentioned his Dad worked out at the gym , so I asked who his Dad was and he decribed him..and I said "is your dad Ed who workes out with Marcel and Allan?" Totally floored him because I know his Dad, talk to him at the gym all of the he is all friendly to me...goes to show it helps to know peoples....teeheee....

Well...I'm off to work...(man does that ever sound good to me) and then I've got a "Girls Out" party tonight....I'll work again tommorow (which is alright with me) and then I've got another party to go to ....busy, busy...I love it!!!

More later on the job!!!!

Oh yeah...I'm down to 176 this morning ...WHOOOHOOOO... 169 here I come!! and then watch out....I can see my Ultimate Goal of 149 on the horizon....


Suzann said...

Soooooooo happy for you - congratulations!!!!!!! A new job and a new life - love to hear that dear Sue. I will loook forward to hearing more about it as you move on ---- hooray for you.

Anonymous said...

Just lurking, glad to see that you are busy.

Suzann said...

Sue where are you?????? Hope you are well.