Wednesday, July 18, 2007

It's ALL about ME!

So I did it...I am now a Bus Manager (that's driver to most but manager sounds better). I finished up at the gym after the Grand Opening in which I had only 7 sells...This was suppose to be the BIG day for Sales but it really was a bust...and I'm not the only one that didn't have the sales that was any way that was the deciding factor for me... I decided to get out of sales and to live life again..I'm finally getting back to working out and even getting to play racquetball again... haven't made any plans for backpacking. I'll probably wait for it to cool off some here first...
don't worry...I'm keeping busy...

I didn't start training until I had a week off to do some catch up and do somethings just for ME!!!!

The first part of the week I painted my bathroom off the master bedroom...I haven't painted this room for about 15 years and it really needed it...I painted it a "white Peach" with the ceiling & the trim "Peachtree"...hey, I'm in Georgia after all....LOL...It looks so much better...I plan on carrying the colors over into my bedroom. the "white peach" color is in my bedspread..that's where I got the idea in the first place...It took me two whole days to paint this tiny lil room so I'm waiting until I have more time to paint the's a whole lot bigger and I'm doing it all by myself...

On Weds my friend Joelle called and wanted me to check out a new club with her and the about NiCE!!! Enjoyed it so much we all went back on Friday...
Thurs Joelle and I went on a quest in the Georgia Wine country....Joelle is into wines and she has never been able to find a good wine made in Georgia and had heard about a couple of winery's here in the North part of the state...We went to four and at the last one we found just what she was looking was the best...It's called Wolf Country Winery....we got to sit on the outside patio..sipping wine, eating cheese & crackers and watching a fantastic sunset over the about relaxing....

Saturday I went to the gym & worked out (I actually went to the gym everyday but Thurs and worked was great...but boy am I out of's funny how fast that can happen) and then went over to The Kids and picked up Lil Bit so she could spend the night with me...It seems like the last 6 months I just haven't gotten to spend much time with my grandkids...We had a great time together...went to the park and played..for a four year old she is soooo smart and was nice having someone tell me ALL the Time that she loves me....I got a lot of hugs and kisses all day....Nothing like a child to make you feel loved...sigh...

Sunday I actually got my lawn mowed (after working out at the gym)...I have been neglecting my yard so much this summer...but it looks pretty good right now thanks to the rain we been having lately...

It seems like I lost Myself for a while but I'm starting to feel like the old Me again...must be the clothes I'm wearing again....altho with the extra 20 pounds I gained my clothes don't look as good as they did last year on me....that roll of fat around my middle is driving me crazy..but least I know how to get rid of it...and I AM working on that...

SO "it's all GOOD" here with ME.....

1 comment:

Suzann said...

glad you're back - working out is inspiring - you have been one of my inspirations. take care!!