Monday, December 04, 2006

It's just too hard!

I keep getting knocked down in life and it's getting harder to get back up...I'm not sure I can do this anymore!!!!
Friday #2 Niece and I stopped at our local dog pound just to look....and I saw this Husky dog there that I fell in love with...She had been picked up 3 days before and wouldn't be up for adoption until I left my application with them and said I would be back Monday..I did spend about an hour with her and took her picture and downloaded it on my cell phone..

I went on my backpacking/camping trip Sat & Sunday up in SC...This was the first one I've been on that allowed dogs..and the guy I rode up to the trailhead had this great bird hunting dog Hatch that I bonded which helped me with my decision that I really do need a dog for a companion. I DO like dogs but I've put off getting one because I don't think it's fair to the dog if you can't/don't spend time with them and my life has been so busy with the gym/backpacking etc....but when I saw this dog at the pound I could imagine her and I together...she was calm, shy and didn't bark...and she was freakin' beautiful...(I showed her picture to everyone on the hike and they agreed)

Well, long story short....when I went this morning the first thing I asked is if she was still available and was told while I waited for the paperwork to be done I went out to see her....When I came back in I was told that the girl that told me she was still available was wrong that A Rescue group had called about her and she was to go to them...

#1 Niece just called me and gave me the lecture about not giving up...and I did call the pound and asked them to give the rescue group my name and number just in case it doesn't work out for them...but it sounded like they already have a home for her and I AM glad for her, just sad for me...I know there are a lot of dogs out there that need homes and I will probably keep looking but right now my heart hurts and I just want to feel sad for my self...

It seems like my life right now is full of "That's just not right" things...first the job, now this...
It's like I have this cloud over me and I just can't seem to get out from under it...and I don't know how to change my luck back to where things go right..Everything I try fails...I hate being negative....I'm a "positive" type person but right now... I'll be damned if I can see the positive side of this...Hell, I even cried this morning and that's something I haven't done in a long time...I guess I just have to pull my self out of this hole I seem to be in...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang In There...Everything happens for a reason (or so I'm told) there must be something better in store for you just around the corner...It may be a big corner,so you have to be patient.
Oh Life! Isn't it fun.;)