Sunday, December 10, 2006

Forbidden Food

Yesterday I noticed a recipe on my box of Rice Dream Milk for Bread Pudding....this brought back memories of when I was a kid....My Mom, a single mother of 4 kids in the 50's, would fix herself a big bowl of Bread Pudding and eat the whole thing by herself...and NONE of us kids got even a bite...I remember wanting some of that pudding soooo bad but it just wasn't ever to be...I'm not sure why she did this...To be fair to my Mom, I truly don't think she did it to be mean...I know that there was never much food for us back then...we were on Welfare and this was before food stamps..and I look at pictures of my Mom back then and realize how skinny she was..I know she went hungry alot so us kids could have something to eat ..I could probably ask her but I'm not sure she remembers doing that, if in fact my memory is real...I find that some of my memories of when I grew up are different from any one else' my older sister will remember the same incident that I do but her memories are totally different..I guess because what was important to her was different from what was important to me...anyhoooooo..... I realized yesterday that I have NEVER fixed bread pudding for myself in all the years that I've been baking....and now it's too late because I don't have bread in the house...but I do find myself wanting to try the recipe just to see if it would be as good as I always imagined...oh yeah, I've had bread pudding at restaurants, one in particular was in New Orleans with it was soo good...but it didn't look like the bread pudding my Mom made...this bread pudding she made was all brown crusty and she would pour milk over it...she always used day old bread and lots of eggs & sugar...I did ask her for her recipe once (a long time ago) and she did give it to me...but I never fixed it because for some reason in my mind it is still FORBIDDEN Food...


Anonymous said...

What is with Granny and pouring milk over food? Ugh. She does that with her Jell-O pudding too.

What happened to all those stories you told me about how bad a cook she is?

Lady Sue said...

#1 Niece....No where did I say that Granny's Bread Pudding was good...I just said I wanted it because it was forbidden...
You grew up with her cooking...did you think she was a good Cook?
Remember the "raw" Turkey we had that one Thanksgiving...and how bout her Lamb Stew..tell me that you could really stomach that stuff..I suppose you really did like her French Toast...right?Yech...of course it's not as bad as your Aunt Connie's ever did she manage to make it purple....
I learned how to cook/bake early in life in self defense...